𝐗𝐕. 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐲𝐬

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Matt couldn't help but frown as the camels stopped in their tracks. He suddenly got a bad feeling that was only confirmed since even the animals wouldn't continue forward. In fact, they seemed to have more common sense at the moment than the group.

"The camels just stopped," Fridge noted.

One of the camels bellowed and Milo was quick to translate. "This is as far as they go. To get to Jurgen's fortress, they said that we can head down this path here and make a right. Then we're in his territory. And they don't wanna go there because they don't want to die."

"We don't wanna die either." Eddie's eyes narrowed as he looked off into the distance while smoldering.

Fridge rolled his eyes. "The worst Bravestone of all time."

Eddie led the group forward, but all stopped as they reached the cliffside. Matt's jaw dropped as his eyes scanned the dozens of bridges suspended over the canyon.

"So we have to get across... this." Martha gestured ahead to the next level.

"No big deal." Roni rolled her eyes, but it was clear from her tone that she didn't actually believe they were capable of completing the challenge before them.

"Okay, we can do this," Spencer paced for a moment before repeating himself as if trying to encourage the group, but they all knew it was more for himself, "We can do this. We just have to take our time and make careful decisions."

"What are you talking about?" Fridge asked. "It's obvious. We start on that bridge right there, then jump to that one that heads to right at 30 degrees, and then those two that look like two sides of a trapezoid..." He stopped and gasped. "Geometry. That's what it's for! Maybe this character's not totally worthless."

"I'll go first," Eddie volunteered.

"Really?" Matt raised an eyebrow.

Roni hissed at him to shut up. "If the old man wants to go first, it's his funeral. Let him decide how he wants to go out of this world."

"I don't even know if we're still in this world," Matt retorted, "for all we know this is some sort of pocket dimension—"

"I stopped listening the second you started talking," Roni interrupted.

"You see?" Eddie asked as he walked out into the middle of the bridge. "It's no big deal."

The echo of the drums ruined that nice thought. Suddenly Matt remembered why the feeling of dread never left, because truly they were never safe. The bridge that Eddie stood on began to rotate, followed by all of the other bridges.

"What's going on?" Eddie asked in confusion.

"This can't be good," Matt muttered under his breath.

"Grandpa!" Spencer called out.

"Nothing's ever easy here... is it?" Danny rhetorically asked.

"Looks like you're catching on, kid." Roni nodded in agreement. "There may be hope for you yet."

"Oh, crap," Eddie muttered under his breath as his bridge spun away from the cliff's edge, colliding with another bridge and snapping the vines which kept it suspended. "What the hell?"

"It's okay." Spencer tried to get the group to focus. "We can do this."

"We have very different definitions of okay," Matt muttered.

"It's just about finding the right timing," Spencer explained.

"Come on, come on, come on," Eddie ushered them forward as the bridge slowly spun back to its original position.

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃 | 𝐣𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢Where stories live. Discover now