𝐗𝐈𝐗. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐊𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐤

870 34 13

"Jurgen the Brutal awaits." The guard ushered the three into the elevator. However, the ride was far from silent. "So, tell me, which brother is which?"

"How do you mean?" Bethany asked.

"Which brother is which?" The guard repeated his question with patience. "Which of you is Augustus and which is Tomatoli?"

"I am Augustus," Bethany quickly replied.

Fridge was a bit more hesitant. "And I'm Tomatolik."

The guard nodded his head with satisfaction. "Augustus Kababik. The cleverest man in all of Jumanji."

Bethany nodded in agreement. "Yes, I'm totally that man."

"And Tomatoli Kababik."

"That's me." Fridge was less hesitant this time, prepared for the great introduction to follow.

"The bravest eunuch."

"Wait a minute, what?" Fridge asked the guard to repeat himself. "Did you say, 'Eunuch'?"

"Tomatoli Kababik," the guard replied as if the information given was known through the entire realm, "everyone knows the tale of your great and generous sacrifice. How you gave your testicles in order to save the region from the floods."

Matt snickered. Fridge frowned and shook his head. "I think there might be a little confusion."

Bethany interrupted and didn't let him continue, "Of course. Everybody knows the story about my little brother and his famous testicles. Wherever they may be."

The guard nodded and looked toward the heavens, taking a moment of respect. "Wherever they may be."

Fridge refused to let the matter die. "Alright, let's back up. Let's go back a little bit. Let's clear some stuff up."

"He's super brave." Bethany interjected. "I've always been the super clever one, and he's always been super brave. And super ball-less."

"Stop saying that!" Fridge demanded. "Both of my balls are right here!"

Matt finally joined in with a grin. "In spirit."


Bethany stifled her own laughter as she agreed, "They're here in spirit." Bethany then lowered her voice to whisper. "Always."

"Of course." The guard continued to pay his respects.

"Right, bro?" Bethany asked, glancing over at Fridge.

Fridge squirmed uncomfortably, but after a glance around the elevator, he suddenly felt extremely small. He gulped and hesitantly nodded his head, swallowing his pride. "Right. I got no balls."

Matt bit his lip to refrain from bursting with laughter. Sure, it was immature, but he'd give almost anything to have a recording of the football player repeating that phrase.

The elevator doors opened to reveal an elderly woman. She extended out a tray of desert. "Welcome. May I offer you a piece of cake?"

Fridge's eyes widened and he immediately freaked out, "No! No! No!"

Matt pinched the bridge of his nose as he flipped over the tray and continued screaming down the hall. Sheepishly, Bethany seemed to offer an apology, "No, thank you."

They stopped at the end of the hall before a giant pair of double doors. If he hadn't seen the pairs of guards off to the side, Matt almost would have assumed that they'd opened of their own accord.

The chatter within the room halted as they stepped inside. A thin weasley man at the other end of the room cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses. "Brothers Kababik, I present Jurgen the Brutal."

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃 | 𝐣𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢Where stories live. Discover now