CHAPTER 2: Guardians Of Reincarnation

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3rd Person's POV




Izuku and Ashley were startled awake by the alert.




"What's the alert?" Izuku and Ashley asked, 

(You and Ashley have been chosen to receive some new Unique Skills that are only unique to the two of you. Due to unfortunate events that happened in your old world. Would you like to know more?) AmAm said, 

(You and Izuku have been chosen to receive some new Unique Skills that are only unique to the two of you. Due to unfortunate events that happened in your old world. Would you like to know more?) Zuku said,

"What do you mean by unfortunate events?" Izuku asked, with narrowed eyes.

(Sorry I can't tell you unless you accept to know more.) AmAm said, I sighed.

Izuku looked at Ashley. Amber just shrugged her shoulders.

"I mean I see no harm in finding out. So yes." Ashley said, Izuku sighed and agreed.

" Yeah okay, please tell us more about the System Alert." Izuku said, 


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Here are the unique skills information and additional information to why the two of you were chosen instead of millions of others.


Guardians Of Reincarnation 

You will be able to chose who can reincarnate into this world. You will be able to see their information about what kind of person they were before they had died and how they had died. You can chose what beast/monster they can reincarnate as, but you must have some short of beast/monster egg for them to reincarnate. They will have their memories and *quirks {*If they had any}. You can also chose to have them reincarnated as your own children.


Ashley placed a talon on her lower abdomen and looked at Izuku. Who was blushing. He smiled at her and which she returned.


Also the color of their Information sheet will let you know if they are trustworthy and loyal. Their are 5 colors which are red, orange, yellow, green, and blue. 

Red are people who are not trustworthy or loyal. They will jump at any sighs of weakness. They are more likely to betray you or kill you, but if you prove can yourself to them then the color of their information will change.

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