Happy birthday Tzuyu (angst ver)

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"Unnie can you--" Tzuyu cut herself off when Jihyo signalled that she's on the phone. She just simply nods and walks away.

It's her birthday today and she wanted to ask ideas for her vlive later on the night, but turns out everyone is too busy.

Tzuyu sighed as she walks towards to their living room. There she saw Mina scrolling on her phone. Her face immediately lits up, as soon as she was about to talk to the girl Mina stood up.

"Let's go?" Mina asks, confusion was written on Tzuyu's face. She was about to ask when a voice from behind her talked.

"Yeah, let's go" Chaeyoung said and made her way to the other girl. "Excuse me Tzuyu ah" she said as she grabs her shoulders to make way for herself as she is standing in the middle of the hallway.

"We're going" Chaeyoung announced and soon she was left in the hallway by herself. The door behind her opens making her turn around, she saw Nayeon and the others getting ready to leave as well.

"Where are you guys going?" Tzuyu asks with confusion written in her face. Nayeon answered not sparring a glance at her.

"We have schedule today and we're gonna be late" she said as she walks to the door and immediately puts her shoes on.

"But unnie--" and the door shuts. Tzuyu was left standing in front of the door. The house suddenly becomes silent.

Tzuyu swallowed the lump in her throat before walking towards the kitchen to grab some water as she pours herself a glass her knees suddenly felt weak. She grabs her glass and just sits on the floor. Occasionally taking sips of water.

Tzuyu in her own world didn't notice kaya and butter made their way to her until she felt wetness on her arms.

She gaze at the two and smiled as she sees them waging their tails happily at her. Tzuyu chuckles, "Are you here to great me a happy birthday?" Tzuyu asks the two as she puts her water down and pulled the both of them in a hug.

The dogs started licking her face causing for Tzuyu to smile. "Thank you babies" she said as she kisses the both of them. Tears started going down her face causing for her to tighten her grip to the dogs.

Kaya and Butter's face looked at her worriedly before licking her tear stained cheeks. I way of telling her that she shouldn't cry. They don't know why she's crying but the best thing they can do is to try and comfort their owner.

Kaya started barking, an attempt to comfort the girl and soon Butter followed as well. Tzuyu just chuckled at this and whipped her tears away.

"Yeah, you're right I shouldn't be sad" Tzuyu said to the both of them before putting them off her lap and grabbing the glass to wash them. She splashed her face with cold water before sighing.

She turned to the two dogs looking at her expectantly. A smile reached her face.

"Let's take a walk" Tzuyu said to the two. At the mention of a walk the two started wagging their tails uncontrollably and started barking again. Tzuyu laughs.

"Alright, alright. I'll just change clothes and get your leashes okay?" Tzuyu said and it seems like the two understands as they both bark and made their way to the living room.

A few minutes passed and Tzuyu changed in a plain gray sweatshirt and white pants, with leashes in hand she made her way to the two who's quietly waiting for her in the couch.

Once they are both leashed the three of them made their way outside. Tzuyu saw some of her birthday ads on the way so she occasionally stops by to take a picture of it and a selfie, sometimes she tries to take a picture of Kaya and Butter with it as well.

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