Will you save me? An Andy Biersack love story

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Embers POV:

"Megan!" I screamed into the phone, "I'm seeing bvb tonight! Ahhhhh! I can't hardly wait! Oh my sea otters what if I meet them? What if they talk to me? What if- "dude! Calm yo tits!" yelled Megan through the phone. Then all of a sudden I hear the slam of the front door downstairs and I nearly dropped the phone. It's like Megan heard my falter in breath and knew something was up. "Ember? Are you okay?" her voice was filled with concern. Instead of answering I quickly placed a pillow over the phone not wanting my father to hear her. "EMBER!" His voice made me shiver, my knees feeling weak, scared of what's to come. I hear his footsteps echoing up the steps. "Megan I have to go" I whisper into the phone trying to keep my voice even. She starts to object but I hang up. I rapidly shove the phone back under the pillow and spring to my feet just as my father stormed into my room. I stare at the man looming over me, the man who was never a dad to me. Just an abusive asshole that I'm forced to call my father. "what the hell are you looking at bitch" he sneered, slapping me clean across my cheek. I don't say anything, instead I bite my lip to hold back the tears. He takes a swing at my gut and hits it dead center. "I am your father! You answer me stupid whore!" he spat. I was still crouched holding my throbbing stomach, "N-nothing sir" I managed to choke out. He yanked me to the ground by my hair and with that he left. "Ungrateful cunt" I hear him mumble while walking down the stairs. I walked to my bathroom silently sobbing and calmly looked in the mirror. Fat, ugly, worthless, I repeated to myself. My fathers right about me. The tears streamed harder. I fought the urge to reach for my blade. Sighing,I cleaned myself up and layed in bed. "great" I said sarcasticly. "I'll b covered in bruises for the concert..."

*few hours pass*

It's time I get to leaving for the Black Veil Brides concert I thought as I glanced at the clock. My fathers snoring could b hear through out the house. Perfect, I thought while smirking. Sneaking out will be easy.

I made my way down the street, walking. Father won't let me have a liscenece. He'd literally kill me if I got one behind his back. Heck, he'll kill me for this. I stick my hands in my jacket pocket to keep them warm from the freezing December air. "shit!" I mumble worriedly. I forgot to leave this note for father telling him I'll be at Megans. He has a thing for her mom so he's always let me go to her house. His only catch for it though, leave a note. My mind began to wonder to what would happen when he notices im gone and that there's a missing note where one should be left on the counter. The images sent chills down my spine. I quickly brushed away the thoughts. "fuck" I said a bit to loud as it started snowing. I tried to hitch a ride with a random car. Dangerous I know but hey, I'm good as dead when I return home so whynot? After about 10 minutes a large black bus stopped next to me. The door opened but it was getting dark to where I couldn't see the person. "Need a ride" asked the stranger. His voice was deep and seem oddly familiar yet I couldn't place who he was. I nodded and got in. "Hey" said 5 guys. I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I dreaming? "H-hi" I stuttered in shock.

Sorry it's so short. This is my first time writing a fanfic. Hope yall like it. Please Comment and vote!!!


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