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"Ah yes Fall, the time where kids go back to school and the weather is actually not so hot, humid, or cold." Said Dipper. "Me and my sister Mabel have been coming to high school for a week. When we got dropped off the bus I felt something off though. I may have left Gravity Falls but it hasn't left me and I mean more than just the letter." Said Dipper Pines getting off the bus and entering the home.

-Gravity Falls intro-

One week earlier...
"How was summer?" Dipper and Mabel's parents asked. "Oh uh, uh, hmmm." Dipper said looking at Mabel. "It was great!" Shouted Mabel showing Waddles to the Parents. Waddles squeaked in joy.
        Mabel and Waddles ran outside the house in the backyard and had fun playing for a little bit. "Dipper what about you Did you have fun?" Asked the father. "Yeah it was great. There was this girl she's pretty cool. There's a rich family up there too and I helped another girl out with a ghost encounter. Grunkle Ford told me all on... myths of legends and Gravity Falls." Dipper said thinking what to say and not to say. "That's great Dipper but I have a hard time you helped a rich family through a ghost problem." The father said. Dipper went ahead and opened up more as when Mabel came in she mentioned her too. "We went to a party that happens once a year and it turns out it's because our friend Pacifica wanted to use Dipper for a family ghost problem we all turned to wood and Pacifica saved us." Mabel said. The parents stayed quiet having to process the story and when they got it they just responded "that's a great story but is that what really happened? Cause if it was then we don't think it's safe for you to go there anymore." Said Mrs. Pines. Mabel looked at Dipper and decided to say that the wood part was made up the ghost was real though but they were safe. They realized they couldn't mention any of their wild adventures at home realizing if they did their parents wouldn't send them up again.

Present time- one week later...
"This past week experience of school felt fresh but when I get home I feel different like something's still up with Gravity Falls. I guess it's just the feel that after everything no matter where you go you'll always feel something is gonna go wrong." Dipper narrates.
          Dipper and Mabel get settled eating dinner with the family, and getting ready for bed for the next day.
      Dipper got up for school. Getting up putting his clothes in he puts on his shoes and gets his backpack. In one bathroom Dipper and Mabel brush their teeth and get outside walking to their school. Piedmont high. Walking down the street and entering the school property he opens the entrance door. Mabel and Dipper enter getting breakfast. Pushing Dipper against his locker his elementary bully still lives here and comes to the same school Dipper knows better and sets for the bully to watch it next time. "You okay Dipper." Said Mabel. "Yeah I'm fine." Dipper says. Dipper and Mabel actually made progress in school. Mabel being as more mature and still being like her usual self she actually flirted with lots of boys. Some actually befriended her others mostly reject because of her so called "Weirdo brother". She doesn't let that bother though.
Meanwhile Dipper studies and works hard being sure he gets past high school and follow Ford's steps to what Ford could've had minus the portal.
After school when Mabel and Dipper walked home Mabel could tell something is off with Dipper. "Dipper you alright?" She asked him as they walked home. "Y-yeah I'm alright." He said to Mabel. Dipper stayed home doing his homework and studying his own anomalies. Making his own journal. Like Ford a red book he got glue and placed it on the book. Dipper had similar yellow gold paper and cut a tree. He placed it on the journal and started his research. "Hey Dipper you got a call from Gravity Falls." Said his mother. "Okay I'm heading down." Said Dipper leaving his journal closed and putting it in his drawer under his desk. Heading down he picked up the phone on the kitchen counter. "Hello." He said into the phone. "Hi Dipper. How's California?" A familiar voice says over the phone. "Pacifica. What brings you to call?" He said over the phone walking over to the couch out of the kitchen past the circular dining table. Out of the yellow painted dining to the still yellow painted walls to the living room. "Everything is great here I have been settling in and school's good. How's Gravity Falls?" He said to Pacifica. "It's great after what happened those years ago. Listen I haven't got much time my parents only let me call for 3 minutes. I know it's hard to believe it but we need you, I need you. People have been walking to the woods many were pulled out and had cross eyes. Yellow eyes with their their pupils running side to side. Wouldn't you know anything one it?" She asked. "Hmmm. Well I thought you called to say Hi but this question I have came across myself. I'm studying it myself after seeing that goat many times at the shack." Dipper said. "We'll do you know what it means?" She asked. "We'll I've got nothing except it linking back to Bill. He used the goat to spy on me and Mabel. I'm guessing what you and the townsfolk are seeing is some kind of hypnotic trance." Dipper said. "But how is that possible if he's gone." Pacifica said. "I don't know I wasn't able to get that deep to the answer yet." Said Dipper. "Stanford or McGuckett can't help you?" Dipper said. "Your nerdy uncle and the hillbilly? No their out on the Arctic Ocean." Said Pacifica. "Pacifica times up. Phone down now." The father said. "Sorry I got to go now. Bye Dipper." Said Pacifica ending the call. "Bye Pacif-" He said with the call ending. "Dad that wasn't even 3 minutes." Said Pacifica. "I'm sorry but to provide for this family and get back on top the town corners have to be cut." Said Msr. Northwest.
"All you ever care about is becoming rich again." Said Pacifica running off away from what was once Gideon's home. "She ran to away into the woods looking at the Statue. All Pacifica could think of is to just watch it sit there. Holding her shoulders she turned and walked away.
Back in California...
Dipper put the phone back he went for a walk with Mabel and they spoke about the call at a park. "So Pacifica called you, for answers." Mabel said to him. "Yeah, I guess gravity falls is still having some of those weird aftermath occurrences. Mabel do you ever feel like we left gravity falls with some of Weirdmageddon still out here?" Dipper said looking down walking. "Naw, I'm sure it's fine. Why do you wonder that?" She asked. "I just feel worried after knowing and getting to know everyone and the town itself I just feel worried we left something that didn't leave the town where our grunkles and summer friends live." Dipper said. "Maybe it's just best not to think about." *gasps* "Dipper look a stray dog!" Mabel said. Mabel petted it and had a bit of some of her leftover croissant from the bakery just a block down. Dipper thought she was right and took a breath eating his chocolate donut.
Later they went back to their home and went to eat dinner. "How was School?" Said the mother. "It was great. Nothing happened much, but they were giving out new breakfast and we had to write down and share what we think about the meals." Mabel said. Dipper ate and said it was alright. He finished and showered and came out with his family watching a movie before bed. Finishing their second week of school bedtime had reached its limits.
Mabel and Dipper went to bed and from their the weekend had started. Only one thing happened. Dipper could barely sleep. Laying in bed he is awake. Then Waddles jumped onto Dipper snorting. *Gasp* Dipper got scared for a second and realizes what jumped on him was Waddles. Dipper made a not so sincere face to Waddles and said is name annoyingly. "Waddles." He got up out of bed and opened Mabel's door giving Mabel her pig. He saw Waddles jump on top of her as she's fast asleep. He closed his sister's door and went back off to bed. This time he be sure he'd close his door all the way. *He yawned and went back to bed looking at a picture that his family took together before they left at a campfire site in his frame.  Next to that one was a 2 in 1 picture of him and Pacifica at the NorthWest mansion during the party and below it a picture of him and her with Mabel photobombing at the top of the tower.
           He fell sound asleep.

                Episode over.

Gravity Falls: Adventures of DipCificaWhere stories live. Discover now