Bus Ride

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Preston NorthWest after going bankrupt could only afford to get a job that his close by and has good pay. His wife on the other hand Priscilla NorthWest stuck watching Pacifica as they would take turns watching her as she would sometimes run off. "Pacific dear, why is it you go running off after the weirdness?" She said. "This town is in danger and the Pines are gone. After finding out our family is built on lies and fraud I thought maybe I could make it truthful again. By doing what m- the Pines did." She said. "So you want to run off and be a lower life form for all I care. How dare you disrespect your father and my rules. From this day forward your grounded." She said. "But- No buts, now go to your room!" Pacifica said being interrupted. Little did Priscilla know she was unaware Pacifica is escaping to the shack for investigation behind her back.

-Gravity Falls intro-

Dipper Pines is on the bus and is taking a nap. As he's asleep he actually dreams being back in Gravity Falls with his whole family. His grunkles, his parents, and sister with her pet, and friends like Soos, Wendy, and Pacifica were there. Later though it was as if he were in his own bubble and same thing happened when Mabel lost hers. It faded turning to bugs. Everything turned to nothing. Suddenly just a white void. He saw the shack. Walking up to it he saw Soos sweeping and ran away from it. Faster from running he started to grow by inch he then stopped when white shoes appeared. Pacifica arrived at the shack he saw her turn to wood and then the hand witch came and took his hands. Last thing happening is Bill's hands holding Dipper tightly. Dipper woke up. He decided not to sleep and decided to look out the window.
Doing so he he felt like he is hallucinating. Seeing nothing but his parents saying why did he leave. Seeing Pacifica smiling at him. Seeing the statue of Bill. He couldn't help but feel all of this had to deal with it. With the statue. The way he could find out was talking to Great Grunkle Stanford maybe Grunkle Stan too.
"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll get answers from Great Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan." He said to himself.
Back in Piedmont, California...
The parents couldn't take it no more they couldn't help but something was up. They decided to stop their jobs and follow Dipper to Gravity Falls. Dipper is now at risk of releasing and exposing himself and Mabel what they did here. What he's doing again at Gravity Falls.
Out of California barely a flat tire went bust and the Bus guy had to fix it. Luckily he once worked as a mechanic. For two months and then fired. He had a spare and went to the outside to check it. A front tire went flat. He brought out the spare and got started to repair the flat tire to a working tire. When he checked it was flat but there was no hole. He had bus checked out for inspection and it passed just hours ago today. Fixing it he went back on the road and took Dipper to his destination. They passed the sign saying "now leaving California."
Dipper still had the letter and took his phone with him. Looking at the letter and his phone. He went over to Pacifica's number. He took a breath and decided to flip the phone up and away. He put it in his pocket. He stared at the letter and saw everyone's signature.
Looking specifically at Ford's and Stanley's he then looked at Pacifica's worried what she told him. "Could it possibly be?" He said to himself.
An hour on the bus went by and he fell asleep in n his trip over.
He fell asleep and for a good while.
In his head he felt off to. He heard something. A cackle. A laugh. A familiar laugh too. *cackle* "If it isn't good' old pine tree. Great to see you again." Bill said. "Bill. What do you want from me?" Dipper asked and said to Bill. "You might be questioning how I'm still here. Listen kid you may have beat me once but a magician never reveals his secrets." Bill said. Dipper remembered something that he was told he'd forget. Apparently it's not so much of a forgotten memory. "Sixty degrees that come in threes, watches from within birch trees. Saw his own dimension burn, misses home and can't return. Says he's happy, he's a liar. Blame the arson for the fire. If he wants to shirk the blame, he must invoke my name. One way to absolve his crime. A different form a different time." Dipper said. "I spoke to the axolotl and if your back you must've called upon him." Dipper Pines said to Bill Cipher. "Your pretty sharp kid. Your just as on point as six fingers. But know this, next time things will change anything will be possible, and I will be making changes. In the mean time I'll be watching you and your friends in Gravity Falls. Remember! Reality's an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold! Byeeee!" Bill said leaving Dipper. Lastly he woke up. Looking around him and out the window he past the Statue hardly visible he could at least saw the tip of Bill's hat. He noticed he has reached Gravity Falls.
The bus driver has stopped and spoke. "Gravity Falls." He said. Dipper put his letter away and put his backpack on. He walked off the bus and started to walk to the shack.
"I hope Great Grunkle Ford can help." He said. Dipper got hungry and went to Lazy Susan's Diner before the Mystery Shack. He entered and sat down on a booth. A waiter/waitress came to him. "Hi Dipper. Nice to see you again here in Gravity Falls. Anyways I'll be your waitress for today. What would you like to order?" A familiar voice said. "Pacifica?" He said.

                  To be continued...
             In episode: Welcome Back

In the next episode we'll see Dipper and Pacifica catch up on each other. Dipper tries to search for answers. Doing so he gets sent to other familiar faces.

Gravity Falls: Adventures of DipCificaWhere stories live. Discover now