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Scarlett sits at the airport on her way to Australia to film the new Elvis movie.  Her children were staying with her mother who was more than delighted to take care of her grandkids, and that was their agreement/understanding.

If Scarlett was filming in another country, Winona would take the children when it was Scarlett's turn to have them. So currently Scarlett was preparing herself for months without seeing her children in person.

"Hi" a voice sounds from above her so Scarlett looks up and smiles at a young girl who is standing in front of her with a notebook and pen in her hands as she shifts nervously on her feet.

"Hello" Scarlett says softly with a smile in the hopes she can soothe the girl's nerves.

"Could I get an autograph?" The girl asks getting a nod from Scarlett which makes her smile widely as she hands over the notebook and pen which Scarlett uses to sign her name. "Thank you, I'm Maisie"

"Nice to meet you Maisie, where are you flying to?"


"Where is home?"

"London-My-my home is London" the girl mutters nervously as she glances at the floor before looking back at Scarlett who smiles comfortingly at her.

"My ex-husband is from London"

"I know, Jamie Campbell-Bower he was in Mortal Engines"

"Instruments. Mortal Instruments"

"Right sorry that was Robert Sheehan," the girl flushes in embarrassment.

"The name are every similar don't worry"

Scarlett smiles as she watches the girl nod as she turns and hurries away to a woman Scarlett assumes is her mother. The girl turns and waves to Scarlett who waves back as the woman mouths 'Thank you' to which Scarlett nods with an 'of course' which makes the woman smile.

On the plane Scarlett falls asleep remembering a simpler time;

Scarlett hums amused as she watches Alex run around their back yard chasing Jojo who giggles happily as he runs away from Alex who playfully keels over in fake exhaustion

Finally after several minutes Alex catches Jojo and walks with him under one arm to Scarlett who sits watching them with sunglasses on her face, they share a kiss when Alex reaches her before they walk into the house as Jojo struggles to be let down.

As soon as Jojo is on the ground he runs up the stairs into his room while Scarlett and Alex go into the kitchen where they start to make lunch together. Alex puts on the radio which booms out Despacito which makes him groan in annoyance that makes Scarlett chuckle amused as she slaps his hand away every time he tries to change the channel which makes him glare at her playfully.

Soon they start to wrestle playfully until they end up on the ground where Alex is pinning Scarlett down as she laughs underneath him. He looks down at her with a fake air of superiority which makes her groan annoyed before smiling as Alex leans down to steal a kiss from her.

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