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Scarlett looks around as she sits in the hair and make up chair as three people stand behind her as they braid her hair back out of her face while another person sits behind her with a brown wig on his knee as he he finishes the final touches to the 60s hairstyle.

Scarlett looks up as she finishes her eyeliner as Austin Butler walks into the trailer with headphones in his ears as he nods his head to the music. He glances over and jumps in alarm when he sees the fiver people glancing at him as they continue to complete their jobs.

"Hi?" he says more of a question as he takes out his headphones and turns the music off before his eyes widen when he realises it is Scarlett Beauregard who is on the chair. "Oh my god hi!" he says again as he walks over with his hand out stretched.

"Hello" Scarlett smiles back as she shakes his hand as he sits down into his own make up chair as the man slowly and carefully puts the wig onto Scarlett's head as she holds the centre down so it lines with her nose. "Ow! Ow that is pulling on something!"

The people in the trailer quickly move to help Scarlett as she hears Austin mutter "Drama Queen" under his breath which sours any first impressions. He glances over truly thinking she was making a drama out of nothing before sighing as he closes his eyes in regret when the hair tec pulls a pin from the inside of the as Scarlett rubs her head as she tries to hold back her tears.

"I am so sorry!" the man who had been working with the wig cries when he sees the pin that the hair tec holds up to show him "I thought I had taken them all out, I had used them to hold it in place when I was working on it. God I am so sorry!"

Scarlett smiles at the man who is dying of embarrassment as they put the wig back onto her head "Don't worry" she says before glancing at Austin out of the side of her eye as two hair tecs walk over to start to shape his hair into Elvis' hair from the 1960s. "I am being a drama queen"

Scarlett smiles up at the man who smiles back as Austin whips his head around to look at her as she clears her throat as she looks back at her reflection in the mirror. "Well, you are as of now the Queen of Rock and Roll" the man tells her with a smile that makes her chuckle.

"And the Queen of Hollywood" Austin says louder trying to apologise for his earlier words, he looks at Scarlett who glances at him with a quick smile as she looks back at the mirror before she looks back down at her nails.

"Do I really have to do the nails? I mean could I not use stick ons?"

"They would spend-likely thousands because they will get lost. And they are giving you an allowance for the nails Scar" Scarlett hums with a sigh as she looks at Evans who stands behind her on his phone as he glances up at her. "Gel ones, not acrylic. They won't saw off the top layer."


"Thank you"

"Yep, now-"

"Coffee" they say together with a smile at each other as Evans turns and walks out of the trailer while they continue to smile.

"Who is he?" Austin asks trying to make conversation.

"My best friend and agent. Evans Sawyer." Scarlett glances at Austin as she finishes her lipstick before sighing as she stands, before she leaves she hugs the three hair tecs then the man who worked on her wig with a smile. "See you guys later."

"Later!" They all reply as Scarlett walks out of the trailer with a wave.

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