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Outfit of Karna( Blue shirt and denim) and Abhinav (Grey shirt and shorts)

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Outfit of Karna( Blue shirt and denim) and Abhinav (Grey shirt and shorts).

Abhi's POV:

All the way from VB to my house was very frustrating because I kept thinking about what Karna might have messed up this time...and once we reached home, I gave him my clothes to change and once he freshened up himself, we both sat in the living hall on the couch and I just asked "What's wrong?!!".

"Umm... do you remember I had mentioned to you about a divorce case I was allotted last month", I just nodded. " I actually messed it up, on the day of trial I lost the essential documents..It was not intentional but I really don't remember where I had kept that and I was confident that there would be a backup document in our firm but unfortunately I had forgotten to upload the scanned copy of the document before...This was the 6th case I had messed up in the last three months, when dad got to know about it, he was super mad at me and we both had an awful argument ever, and later he has terminated me from our law firm and has got me a job at my dad's friend Venkatesh uncle's firm in Bangalore" he exasperated...

My I know why he is so disturbed...Oh well I forgot to tell you Uncle's friend Venkatesh is a very very strict man and for sure Karna is going to have a very tough time..."But what's with you being all hungry, where are your clothes and luggage??" I boomed him with questions

"Well I fought with dad that I won't join Venky uncle's firm and left the house without any luggage with the confidence that I had my wallet, and cards with me, I came to Bangalore by bus and once I reached here, I was hungry so when I went to ATM to fetch some cash, my card was blocked, I was annoyed and dialed my dad right dad answered me and told me that I was not serious about my career and I am loafing around...He told me that only once I learn at Venky uncle's firm, I would get back all my luxuries...That's when I realized that I messed up big time now" he sighed...

I pity this poor fellow...but deep down I agree with uncle's decision and I hope Karna becomes a bit more responsible... "Anyway, what's done is done...So stop fussing about it and just join Venkatesh uncle's firm and get over your training and boom you will enjoy your time at Mangalore" I tried to cheer him knowing that how he loves his time at Mangalore, his house, his mom, their coconut farm, his favorite pubs, beach,mall...

"Yeah right, it's just a matter of a few months I guess" he replied excited...

This is Karna, baby like...he never sulks over things, and let go it..."So where are you planning to stay back" I queried

"where else at your place" he giggled as a matter of fact...I am more than okay with this, so I gave a knowing nod to him and we both finally planned on calling our day off...Hoping for an easy tomorrow at least...


Cherry's costume

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Cherry's costume

Urghh...I'm feeling a bit emotional as today I am leaving for Hyderabad for the training...though I had waited for the training to start but now that I have to leave's tough. I feel that I am leaving a part of me and going. I will definitely miss my parents, our house, my favorite Gobi corner...Of course Shravs..but that idiot left for Bangalore last week itself and today is my turn. I think my state is better but my parents are exceptionally sad and emotional about sending me away for the very first time and that too without much contact at all and upon these, some of my father's friends have said to him that the training is going to be extremely tiring and challenging both physically and mentally and after knowing that my parents are really worried but I have been assuring them that it's going to be fine and I would be totally okay there. So today both my parents and I are leaving to Hyderabad... it's going to be a very long journey, hope the journey is going to be safe and fine...

It's been a week since the training has started and it is absolutely exhausting...damn. Our training starts at 4:00 AM in the early morning and we will have drill till 7:00 AM later we will have only 20 minutes to change our uniforms, have breakfast and again we will have another round of exercise till 10:00 AM. Later we will have theoretical classes till eveningwith a lunch break in between, that's the only time where we can relax a bit and in the evening after completing the classes we will have 15 mins of time to have some snacks or refreshments. and later on, it's the study hour when the officers come to check on us if we are actually studying and we are compelled to keep our doors open apparently. Finally, we will have another drilling session after our dinner. Dinners are quite an affair as they are done together with all the officers and staff.

Uttermost discipline is expected like our rooms must be absolutely neat and clean, our uniforms especially white uniforms must be spotless and by spotless I mean absolutely spotless, even if a single stain is observed we will be punished and we must keep up our time else it's pretty sure that the person cant make it till the end of the training. People say that if a person can make it to 22 days of training then he can definitely complete all 22 weeks of training...I hope I make it through this tough phase.

Upon all these what's frustrating is we can't have phones with us, we should submit it to the academy. I feel homesick sometimes while having food, but mostly I don't have time to even sit and feel homesick because my schedule is so packed up and hectic. In fact, I get to wash my clothes only at late night like 2:00 AM or 3:00 AM. For a girl like me who was not particular about leading a disciplined lifestyle and was too much bound to the family, it's been really very stressful, frustrating, and tough. But as a cadet just by looking at the officers, I feel motivated and it drives me to push further.

I don't know how ma and daddy are feeling, but ma really cried a lot on the day they admitted me to the academy. phew...I already feel like going home. Another thing which I am missing too much is listening to Kannada, my mother people are mostly from the North, though there are quite a few people from the South too, but I didn't find too many from Karnataka. Anyway, I hope to meet my parents soon...


So, how was the chappy?? Did you guys liked it, please let me know. I have tried my best to get the actual training schedule for the Airforce cadets, hoping that you like that content.

And please comment your thoughts!!

Also, keep expecting, Hero and Heroin might actually meet in the next chapter (~_^)



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