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Abhi's POV:

"You know I experienced the real happiness today..." I dragged off to my friends' gang, we were sitting on the terrace after all the guests left...

" to explain my lord...", Karna spoke rolling his eyes.

"You know the nutcase Cherishya got scolded by her father today and what's more interesting is, he scolded her by supporting me... you should have looked at her face,, she looked so funny" I laughed telling them.

"Really...but when I met her today, I found her very sweet Abhi. I think you're simply making things complicated with her...", Arjun added.

"I think the same know I feel he holds a grudge against that poor girl since she had almost outshined him during training," Manish replied.

"Ohh common, take it easy guys...It's no grudge or jealousy...she is just so annoying, she is anything but sweet...She thinks she knows it all." I huffed.

"Macha, a gentleman never makes a girl cry", The great great Gautham Swamiji preached his knowledge.

" guys just don't know her enough!!" I almost screamed annoyingly.

"Ooh, so you're telling me you know her too much huh??", Arjun chose to tease this time.

"Just shut up maga ['maga' is a way of calling the dearest friend ], there's nothing like you're thinking", I said.

"Whatever it is...but she really very pretty and cute", Arjun added.

"Cute!! my foot", I replied.

"Oh hello hero, she is actually're just too egoistic to admit!", Karna said.

I looked at him incredulously...Are these people serious...and just like that Ramya barged in out of nowhere and announced..." I heard everything Abhi anna, you should apologize to that sweet soul right tomorrow...understand?".

"Woooh...calm down, what are you doing here?", Karna asked.

"Well, that's not important...what's important is Cherrishya is sweet and Abhi anna should apologize to her. Am I right Mr. Gautham?" Ramya spoke looking at Gauthu and he looked clueless and blinked twice.

"Now that's enough drama, get lost Rammy", I said in a no-nonsense tone and she left giving a pointed look to Gautham.

"Hmmm, well what's brewing here maga??", Manish teased Gautham.

" Hey please macha, common... I mean you know how silly Ramya is", Gauthu waved off his hand.

I mean, Gautham is right, Ramya is absolutely silly and impulsive at times...but she is fun for suree.

By then Amma called and asked us to get down for dinner and we all got down.


Cherry's POV

How can someone be so disgustingly annoying...I hate him, I hate him and I hate him...I never expected Daddy to humiliate me and that too in front of Abhinav...

I kept crying and crying until Daddy came and got my favorite ice cream and chocolates along...At first, I kept a long face and didn't talk to him but after multiple apologies and seeing daddy's puppy face, I gave up and accepted his apology by eating the chocolate...And right when I felt a bit better, Amma barged inside the room,

"Even then Cherry, if not as Radha's son atleast him being your senior officer you must not talk so harshly with Abhi", she started.

"Ma please stop, he really irritates me so much, you just don't know him enough...".

They just saw each other and huffed...

"Geetha, now that's enough", Daddy said for which I was ever grateful and meanwhile Shravs called me...So I picked up her phone and my parents went on with their conversations.

"So, heard that uncle scolded you today..." Shavs asked...

"How the hell did you know??" I barked at her.

"Umm...I have my means...anyway, why do you fight with Abhinav so much?", She asked.

"Shravs not you tu brute!!!",  I exclaimed.

"ok...fine, relax," she said.

And just like that we talked randomly for some time and I went on to sleep while thinking about facing the devil all over again tomorrow, This way my precious weekend came to an end...


Well...First of all, A BIG SORRY to all my readers. I had my sibling's wedding and just got busy with all the major turn of events in my life.

So, how was the new chapter?? A bit of drama and Boys' gang...I hope you all had fun reading their conversations!

Also, a major event is going to happen in the next chapter, so keep anticipating it!!



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