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Cherry's POV:

"Kanna, lock the door...we are going for a morning walk" daddy shouted forcing me to wake up at 5:00 AM in the morning, honestly I was pissed because once I wake up in the middle of my sleep I can't sleep deeply again. 

"Huuuu!!! Thadi, prana thinthya nandu [yeah....wait, you annoy me so much] I whined, but anyway I went and locked the door once they left.

Since I couldn't sleep I thought of finishing up the presentation I was supposed to submit to that Doorvas Muni [sage who is known for his anger issues] aka Abhinav sir.

Thankfully I winded up the PPT and was getting ready for the office by the time amma and daddy returned from their morning walk, they seemed to be in better spirits so I thought of asking about it in the evening and I was rushing to the office like every single day. That one thing that I might never get used to would be waking up early in the morning...As I rushed amma got me dose and chutney, but I shouted " There's no time maa, I'll not have breakfast today" , but amma being Amma came and started feeding me while I was combing my hair...and I started off with my darling bullet.

Well, the other day when everyone was accusing me and I was crying in the washroom, Vinutha came and explained that it was just to tease me light-heartedly, but I cursed Abhinav sir for everything that happened because I know that every other there are at least not as insensitive as him. But anyway I just shrugged it off and let it go. Also, everyone came and apologized to me except Abhinav sir...Of course, I should have known how egoistic of a man he is.

The day at the office was going just great, just when I received a reminder notice from Abhinav sir about the submission of the presentation which was due by evening, so I just mailed him the PPT immediately and as I was free I thought of going near the amphitheater because there was some singing event arranged over there today.

As I was on the way to the amphitheater I saw Vinutha, so I called her to join me and she merrily agreed...

The event just started with the famous hit song " Varaha Roopam" devotional song.

We both were so so excited about the event specially as we had been to 'Kantara' movie together just yesterday and Vinutha tried to hum or rather sing along but failed pathetically as she didn't know the lyrics at all which was irritating me so much because to me one should never sing any song with wrong lyrics at may consider it to be a form of OCD(sighs).

As the event went on, they sang many Kannada and Hindi songs, and just then one of the organizers of the event came on the stage and announced, "Jai Hind officers, today we have organized this event to help in funding an orphan baby which has complications in its heart. So now anyone can write in a chit about a song which they want to dedicate to someone and for each dedication, you must pay Rs 100 and the best part is nobody will know who is asking to dedicate...So what are you all waiting for?? Common!!" he cheered.

And just like a flood everyone started writing the dedication chits and filled the box kept in front of the stage...

Someone had dedicated "Sathyabhame Sathyabhame kopaveke " song to Vinutha and I was teasing her about the same and asking about who could it be, and I felt as though someone was boring their eyes towards me, when I followed my instinct I saw the world famous Doorvas Muni aka Abhinav sir staring me...One thing I don't understand about this man is why will he always stares at me as though he wants to strangle me alive with his eyes, well I had by now molded my mind to not spoil my mood because of him in any way so I didn't give a damn to him and vibed with the songs being sung. Then the next song was "Singara Siriye" which was dedicated to me, to say that I was shocked is an understatement because I didn't think even in my wildest dreams that someone could dedicate such a lovely song to me. Also, it would be a lie if I say that the dedication didn't make me feel any special, I really felt very nice for a while and Vinutha kept teasing me telling me how I was smiling non-stop since they had announced that someone had dedicated that song to me, I guess she was right too.

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