If I Woke Up Next To you

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A/n-YOU GUYS HAVE FULL PERMISSION TO SLAP THE HELL OUT OF ME! It's been almost a month! I'm so sorry!

Your/Tori's POV-

Petes eyes lit up and Meagan had a smirk on her face. What was going on?
"Guys, what's going on?" Joe whispered to Pete. "Just wait" Meagan whispered back.

Patrick stood in front of you and you made eye contact. His eyes were sparkling and it looked like he was going to burst. "Baby. I love you so much. It killed me when you left. I don't know how I survived 5 years without you. I almost didn't. If it weren't for the guys, I don't know what I would've done. I had bought this like 2 months before you left and Pete and Meagan helped me pick it out. I had planned on asking you at your surprise party the night you left. I know you just got back but it would truly make me the happiest man in the world if I could wake up next to you everyday an call you my wife" by now you both had tears streaming down your face. He pulled out a beautiful diamond ring. One clear diamond in the middle and two red rubies on the sides.

It took you a minute before you could speak, he looked disappointed like you were going to say no. "Patrick. I'm so sorry I ever left. It was the biggest mistake of my life. It's literally a dream come true that you even wanted to talk to me when I came back. My answer is the same that it would have been if you asked me 5 years ago. 12 thousand times yes" his face brightened and you jumped into each other's arms. He was quick to kiss you. Wiping the tears off of your face he whispers "I love you so freaking much I can't live without you" you smile against his lips. "I'm never leaving again Patrick. I love you so much" everyone was laughing and smiling. The already perfect night was now one to remember for a lifetime.

You all hugged again and you were showered with congratulations. It was the happiest moment of your life. Dinner went smoothly. Everyone was talking calmly, filling you in on the stuff you didn't get to know from magazines and twitter. It was amazing. Patrick kept holding your hand under the table and staring at you. Every time you would catch him, he would smile at you and squeeze your hand. Then the question came up "So. What happened. Why did you leave" thank you Pete. You immediately tensed up. Patrick sensed it and talked for you "she was afraid of the fame the band was getting. She just didn't know that we were all just as scared. Some stuff happened while she was gone that I think everyone will need to hear but not over dinner. I'm sure she would love to tell Marie and Meagan and then I can tell you guys. It's just a heavy topic." They all nodded and you silently thanked him. The rest of dinner was great. No more questions. Just making plans to hang out again the next day. Bronx was getting tired and Ruby and Saint were getting fussy so they whole group decided to call it a night. There was hugs and kisses and before you knew it, you and Patrick were alone again.

He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you "Thank you Patrick. For everything" you leaned into him. He kissed your neck "anything for you Mrs.Stump" you giggled and looked down at your ring. You got teary eyed and he turned you around. "Hey, you don't have to if you don't want to. I know you just got back and after everything that happened while you were gone, I shouldn't ha..." You cut him off with a kiss. "I'm so happy Patrick. It's everything I've ever wanted." He smiled and wiped your tears. "Come on. Let's go to bed. I'm sure you've had a long emotional day and you're hanging out with the girls tomorrow. You're going to have to tell them about you know who" he picked you up and you giggled as he took you to the bedroom. You both changed into pjs and crawled into bed. "Goodnight Mrs.Stump" he kissed the side of your head as you cuddled up into him. "God I've waited so long to be called that. Goodnight. I love you" he let out a breathy laugh and snuggled you tighter. Everything was perfect.

You heard your phone go off in the other room. You had no idea that the message was going to bring everything that seemed perfect right now crashing down in a matter of hours.


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