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Jonathan Faber

My family and I haven't talked as much as we used to especially because I'm always busy with cases but we're really close my mom died in a car accident while back and then my dad married my amazing stepmom but unfortunately he passed too. She's helped me with a lot of painful experiences and she's a strong woman. So I want Hollis to meet her I know I might be moving a little fast but I can't let her go...

*Phone rings*

"Hey darling what you up too?" Hollis said as Faber smiled

"Just in deep thought and Hollis I know that I can be a little straightforward but I can't let you go...I just can't." Faber said as Hollis Smiled

"John I think your an amazing guy and seriously I haven't felt this great in years and to be honest I don't want you to let me go! And detective you can be as straightforward with me as much as you want to because I really truly like you." Hollis said as she put a big smile on Faber's face

"I really like you too! So are you ready for this date?" Faber asked making Hollis bite her lip

"Yes of course what should I wear?" Hollis says

"Hmm a red dress! Yep I can't wait to see you in that!" Faber says as Hollis giggles

"Okay bye see you later!" Hollis said before she hung up.

I planned this amazing romantic dinner at my house with flowers, candles, chocolates, and of course wine! I really hope she likes it just as much as I like her.

It reaches 7:30 and decided to leave to pick up Hollis because I don't wanna be late!

I get into my BMW and drive to over to Hollis.

I pulled up to her house and straighten myself up I walk up to ring the doorbell.

She opened the door and my mouth dropped
"Close your mouth baby! Don't want it get stuck like that!" She said as she winked at me.

"Okay you look absolutely amazing like gorgeous as hell! These are for you." Faber says handing her a bag from her favorite store.

"Thank you so much your so romantic!" Hollis says as she takes his hand

They talked and talked on their way to his house that she had no idea they were going too.

"Detective may I ask where are you taking me? Hollis said as we rode through my beautiful neighbourhood.

"Well the date is at my house!" Faber said as Hollis looked at him in a playful suspicious way

"Mhm!" Hollis said making sure Faber knew why she responded like that.

They pull up to this gorgeous gigantic house it was absolutely beautiful

They pull up to this gorgeous gigantic house it was absolutely beautiful

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"This is your house?!" Hollis said smiling hard

"Yep my parents were extremely wealthy and since I was their only child I was the only one in the will. So my parents past down millions of dollars but I didn't wanna buy something so big because I really only have my stepmom who is basically my mom. So I just bought this to have a place to live but when I find the right woman I hope to marry and have kids of my own!" Faber said as they locked eyes again.

It's something about this woman she's so gorgeous and she knows exactly what to do and when to do it! She's so damn smart!

"Okay let's go inside so you can see everything I put together for you!" Faber said as he got out to open her door.

They walk inside and Hollis mind was blown he was so romantic and he always wanted her to feel comfortable.

"Okay follow me!" Faber said reaching for Hollis hand

Hollis had such a great time as well as Faber talking about life, future, and past letting each other know how they really felt.

"I really appreciate this! Thank you so much!" Hollis said cupping his face

"Your so welcome!" Faber says as he kissed her passionately.

"I love you Hollis..." Faber said as they pulled away

Her eyes widened at his comment but she couldn't fight her feelings for him and she didn't want too!

"I love you too!" She said as Faber picked her up bridal style and carried her to the couch

"Oh I haven't felt this great in years Hollis! We should watch a movie what do you think?" Faber said as Hollis nodded in assurance biting her lip.

"Okay I have Girls Trip, Black Panther and Coming to America.

"Hmm I haven't watched Coming to America let's watch that!" Hollis said as she snuggled into Faber

It got to the middle of the movie and Hollis was knocked out. So I tried my best not to wake her so I could get her a cover and pillow. I brought her to my bedroom laid her down and right before I was about to leave out she called out my name.

"Don't leave come get in bed with me I want you to hold me." Hollis said in a sleepy voice.

I got into the bed and snuggled into her.

"Goodnight Hollis." Faber said kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight..." she said as she doses off.

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