Chapter 1

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For the last few weeks Satan hasn't felt himself. He was constantly throwing up in the morning and or all day really hungry almost all the time and his emotions were off the roof he was constantly getting angry at the slightest thing and really upset and nobody knew what was wrong with him but assumed he was just going through something so they left him alone. Especially since whenever they tried asking if he was alright he would get angry.

Anyway tonight Satan was sitting on the floor against the wall next to the fridge eating a tub of blood ice cream with a spoon. Normally he didn't exactly like this flavor but he was craving meat and anything close to that and Beel ate it all so he was left with this.

Anyway Beel suddenly walked into the kitchen and Satan immediately death grip the ice cream and said.

Satan : try anything I'm stabbing you with the spoon...."

Beel : I'm not going to take it? I just came to check on you? We been worried about you?"

Satan : .....I'm fine....."

Beel : maybe you should go see a doctor? Or something? "

Satan: everyone is that worried?"

Beel : yes? Your own brother and you haven't been feeling well?"

Satan : ....I'll go in the morning then...... honestly I would like to know what the hell is going on with me...."

Beel : good. Me and Belphie will go with you"

Satan : ..... whatever it is I'm telling Lucifer I'm dying to mess with him....heh....that will be fun...."

Beel : ......I....I guess that's the spirit?"

Later in the morning Satan left to the doctors with Beel and Belphie while Lucifer went out to help Diavolo with something during this all the other brothers were hanging out in the living room.

And only an hour after Satan left he arrived back and yell at Beel and Belphie.


Beel : we all saw it. Where he was pointing at?"

Belphie : did you really have to commit attempted murder on the doctor!?"

Satan : YES!"

Belphie: then you shouldn't have left evidence. Now your banned from the only hospital in Devildom?"


Beel : where is it going to come out?"

Satan : SHUT UP!"

MC : what are you guys talking about??"

Belphie : Satan is pregnant"

Mammon : What!?"

Levi : How are you pregnant!? Is that even possible!?"

Asmo : looks like it runs in the family?"

MC : your not wrong?"

Satan : ....this shouldn't be possible!...."

Asmo : question! Who's the father?"

Satan : .....I don't know!"

Asmo : maybe you did it yourself? Guess we'll find out in a few months?"

Satan : I HATE T-!?

Suddenly Satan over and threw up in a plant.

Beel : before you beat the doctor unconscious he said you should rest and take it easy since you been so sick and stress out "

Satan : .....I....."

Suddenly Lucifer walked in and saw everyone looking panic and freaked out. And all starring at him and at Satan.

Lucifer : what happened?"


After this Satan ran to his room.

Later Satan was sitting in his room on his bed starring at the ultrasound picture they manage to get before he attempted murder on the doctor.

There was no denying it there was a baby growing inside of him which freaked him out and confused him because it shouldn't be possible but was.

He wasn't sure how he was going to do this at all. If he could even raise a baby he new nothing about it. But had to think of something and prepare anyways.

Satan : ..... I'm sure I can find books about this kinda thing....and online but....."

He then started to freak out on the inside about how this whole birthing thing was going to work that was a whole problem he didn't want to think about. And second he had nobody to help him with this since he's banned from the hospital. But thought maybe he could get help from someone else he knew.

The next day in the morning Satan went over to the castle to talk to Barbatos about this who he briefly explain his situation too.
Before coming over.

And once he arrived he went to Barbatos room where he saw him doing some cleaning until he saw him.

Barbatos : so you really are carrying?"

Satan : yes and like I said I need someone who knows about this stuff that can help me"

Barbatos : well I do have experience with demonic pregnancies I am well aware of everything that is needed. So I'll gladly help"

Satan : do you know how this is even possible!?"

Barbatos: given how Lucifer was able to in a way create you. It just seems your able to do the same but actually carry and birth the child rather than how you came to be.

Which means you weren't alone in this and that the father or mother of your child is somewhere "

Satan : don't care don't remember. And if I do I'm murdering them on sight"

Barbatos : I see. So your two months along. That leaves only Seven more months until you give birth.

You also told me over the phone that you been feeling sick non stop?"

Satan : that and the craving to just eat meat and or eat it alive preferably "

Barbatos : oh that's a common symptom demonic pregnancies come with a lot of strange symptoms. It's quite a lot of work but do not worry I can help with all. Also does Lucifer know?"

Satan : everyone but Lucifer knows"

Barbatos : eventually he is going to find out. And I know the doctor probably already told you this but please remember to rest and take it easy. You do not only have to worry for yourself but also for your child"

Satan : wouldn't happen to know how to raise one right?"

Barbatos : I've raise Lord Diavolo with him I consider myself quite good at it. I can see your worrying your not going to be a good father?"

Satan : ....."

Barbatos : I wouldn't worry your a good demon you'll be fine. But I can help you prepare"

Satan : thanks I guess...."

Barbatos was happy to help Satan during this time since he needed it. But he was a bit nervous it's been such a long time since he help with a situation like this. he was afraid he wouldn't be able to help in case something happened like last time.

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