Chapter 9

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Next few days everyone notice Satan acting off and mostly very clingy towards Barbatos. Always and constantly wanting him for something and wanting his attention or just him to be around.

Barbatos didn't mind at all given he was helping Satan with this and was also acting as his bodyguard but it was a little stressful he couldn't do any other work because Satan wanted him.

But the last few days also. Satan seem to be going through a lot his mood and what he was doing was constantly changing every soo often and it was freaking out some of his brothers.

Either he'll be extremely hungry and get mad about it.

Get really clingy and want attention from Barbatos.

Get mad at Barbatos if he wasn't paying attention to him and in his sight. And talking to Daniel.

Get really tired and pass out and. Sleep in the strangest places

Get angry over anything and everything randomly.

Get mad and annoyed about everything and that he was going through this and that his life was horrible while everyone had nothing to worry about.

And then go back to being fine and happy about this and talk about how he was going to be great at this and teach his son everything he knows.

Nobody exactly knew what was going on and just blamed it on the pregnancy

Anyway today Barbatos went to talk with the brothers since they ask for him and when he got there He Started talking to the brothers and one of them ask.

Mammon : any clues for why Satan has been off?"

Barbatos : oh that's normal for demonic pregnancy during it you gradually go through the seven deadly sins. And as you get further along it becomes more seen.

Given he is one of the sins could explain why he's experiencing them all at once."

Asmo : ever get bothered by how much he rellies on you"

Barbatos : not at all?"

MC : he does call you a lot? When was. The last time you had a break?"

Barbatos : I find it no trouble at all. Like I've mentioned I agreed to help him with everything and guard him given the situation.

And I'm not one to complain this is harder on him then anyone else."

Mammon : how? He's been driving us crazy. And scaring us!"

Belphie : it just seems like a lot to handle. How are you handling him so well?"

Barbatos : I enjoy helping him so I guess that could be why?"

Levi : do you ever get annoyed or anything?"

Barbatos : I can't say I do? Guess you all seem to be having trouble with him?"

They then started talking about what they were having trouble with that sounded more like complaining than anything else

And Barbatos couldn't help but feel offended for Satan but he stood there listening to them talk while smiling. Trying to hide how unpleased he was by their comments.

And suddenly everyone froze as they saw Satan walk over with Lucifer. And Lucifer didn't look to happy about what he heard. As for Satan there was no expression on his face like he didn't care.

Lucifer : we are talking later...."

Mammon : we didn't mean it like that!"

MC : honestly we didn't!"

Asmo : we were just talking we weren't complaining or anything!"

Levi : we like having you around!"

Belphie : you making this worse than it is...."

Beel : we're sorry if we m-

Satan : ok"

Satan then walked away upstairs seeming unfazed by the situation but everyone knew something was wrong.

Barbatos : I'll go check on him"

After this Barbatos quickly left dropping his happy expression which scared everyone.

Anyway Barbatos then found Satan in the attic getting boxes and packing some things up.

Barbatos : what are you doing?"

Satan : I'm moving out? But I'm taking these things"

Barbatos : Satan don't. I know what they said wasn't kind b-

Satan : I don't need to live here or at the castle I'll find my own place"

Barbatos : Satan you know it's not safe for you to be alone?"

Satan : I don't want to bother anyone so this is what I'm doing "

Satan continue to pack things up and Barbatos didn't know how to stop him no matter what he said Satan wouldn't stop.

He seem set on leaving the house permanently. So he panic and said.

Barbatos : live with me!"

Satan immediately stop what he was doing and asked not expecting that.

Satan : what?"

Barbatos : if you are set on leaving. I have a place you could stay at"

Satan : don't you live at the castle?"

Barbatos : I do. But it's more of a vacation house. Somewhere I go on my days off"

Satan : you have days off?"

Barbatos : yes. Anyway You will be able to be on your own and you'll still be safe. And giving I have to watch you and I'm always by your side as it is right now.

I would be living with you until this is over. after that the place would be all yours.

Satan : .....why be so generous?"

Barbatos : I just want to make sure you both are safe. Ands you seem determined to be on your own so I thought this would be a good compromise?"

Satan : .....alright.... I'll live with for now"

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