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"Hi." That word resonated in my head for hours. This very sculpted person, walked up to me and greeted me. it all started, today in my math class the substitute did not show up until the last ten minutes. So we spent the duration of that class on our cellular devices and talking amongst our friends. It was pretty nice. Instead of learning about algebraic expression and the surface area of a can of corn, my friend Sarah, and I watched cats spin on ceiling fans. While this was occurring this extremely attractive homosapien, looked my way and said "Hi." I did not recognize the face, the very alluring face. I know i'm going on and on about the looks, but i visually enjoyed it. I had planned on walking to the store close to school to buy some birthday stuff for my little sister's party tonight. My dad has been busy with work, and whatnot. I don't pay that much attention, he is in charge of presents and I'm on decorations and cake duty. {I swear if anybody reading this laughs at the word duty, you are awesome.} The bell was about 2 minutes away from going off, on my desk i discover a note that had been placed on my desk. It asked "Are you doing anything after school?" I decided to answer and write my response on the back. "That's none of your beeswax." Apparently high school is a lot like 4th grade. It was clear that the note had been read. A glare was shot at me, then a thin smile. The bell erupted with an ear-shredding ring. I was close to the exit door of the school, when an hand touched my shoulder. It was pretty face. That is the unofficial code name, I have given to them. I turned around and we met eyes, mine green and their's amber brown.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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