Chapter 10: Defy The Owl Lady With Lies

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Luz was sitting on the couch the next day, King on her lap and Eda explaining Hexes Hold'em as she played against Owlbert, who was wearing a green visor.

Eda put a card down on the table. Lightning came from the cards, sending Owlbert flying for cover behind the side of the table. The cards all stood and roared. Owlbert's cards surged forward and attacked Eda's, making Owlbert smirk.

"Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out the wildcard." Eda held up a card with a tower on it. It glowed green, and Owlbert's cards disappeared in a flash of fire. Fiery letters spelling out "WINNER: EDA" appeared and disappeared over the table. Owlbert hopped back on the table and hooted at Eda, his wings extended.

"Woo, I win! In your adorable owl face. Ah, I love the feeling of victory; it feels...fluffy?" Eda said, a confused look overtaking her face. "Eda, it's happening again." Luz said, pointing at the witch.

"Your curse is returning!" King yelled, leaping off of Luz's lap. Eda yelped as she looked at her arms, before going up the stairs to her room. Luz picked up the deck of cards as she, King and Owlbert followed after her.

They caught up to her and watched as Eda opened the chest that she started keeping her elixirs in. It was empty. "Oh boy." Eda huffed, "this is terrible, I'm out of elixir."

"Last time you turned into this." Luz held up the human scroll--she still needed to figure out what it was called--with a picture of the Owl Beast on screen. "I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce." Eda smirked after peering at the picture.

"Eda!" Luz glared, curses were nothing to joke about. "Alright, alright, keep your pants on. We'll head to the market." Eda rolled her eyes at her apprentice.

"You get your elixirs at the market? You don't make them yourself?" Luz asked as King ran out of the room yelling something about stealing. "Yup, the ingredients are super rare or expensive. So I just buy the elixir itself, much cheaper that way." Eda explained.

Luz stood up to follow after King. "Hey before we go, would anyone like to play one more hand of Hexes Hold'em?" Eda patted her pocket "Hey, where are my cards?" Luz held the cards up to Owlbert "Take these and fly ahead. She'll have to follow us."

Owlbert flew away with the cards as Eda gave chase. "Owlbert, you sore loser, gimme back my cards!" Luz meanwhile, quickly headed to her room and grabbed her bag. Making sure her elixir bottles were inside. Perhaps she could restock her own elixirs.

She slung the strap over her head and headed downstairs, the front door was open and she could still see Eda running after Owlbert in the distance. King climbed up onto her shoulder "onward loyal minion, to the market!" He shouted, Luz chuckled as she ran after Eda, Hooty closing the door behind them and yelling goodbye.

Luz eventually caught up to Eda, the Owl Lady banging on a metal grate of a shop in the market. "Hey, open up, Morton!" She called. "Uh, ju--...just a minute!" A voice replied from inside the shop. King leaped off of Luz's shoulder and went over to a nearby bench and sat down.

Luz hummed looking over the shop before turning to Eda. "So does this guy sell Potions like you?" She asked as Eda banged on the grate again. "Yeah, he sells all kinds. Though he doesn't have any of the creative potions I make." She snorted.

Luz tapped her fingers against the strap of her bag, turning her head to look at the market and seeing some demon hunters nearby. She looked away quickly, "hey Eda, could I get some snails and look around the market?" She asked, looking up at the Owl Lady.

Eda looked down at her and thought for a moment, then shrugged "sure why not? Just don't get scammed." She pulled out a change purse and dumped some coins into her palm. "20 snails should be enough for something right? Don't spend it all in one place, kid." She winked, giving Luz the coins.

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