Chapter 13: Some Secrets Revealed To A Rival Turned Acquaintance

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The next day Luz was tasked with returning Eda's books to the library. While Eda and King babysat one of the Bat Queen's kids, Luz was glad to leave. She did not feel like hearing a screaming child and getting a headache right now.

Once she entered the library the book pile she was carrying glowed green and began floating forward. Each book flew through a red spell circle as the witch behind the desk marked each one as late. Once Luz stopped beside the desk the librarian grabbed the last book and checked it over.

"Coffee, grass and bloodstains? These are Eda's, aren't they?" He asked in a monotone voice. "Yeah... that night was hectic." Luz shrugged. The librarian sighed "I'll put them on her tab." He summoned a scroll and wrote on it. "By the way, we're closing early for the Wailing Star meteor shower." He gestured to a framed picture of the Wailing Star.

Luz looked over the picture and hummed curiously. "What is it?" She asked, looking back at the librarian. "You're in a library." He paused "go read a book." His scroll rolled up and disappeared. Luz walked away with an eyeroll "so much for being a librarian..." she muttered, looking over the shelves of books.

She ran her hand down the spines of books, wondering if any of them had any information about her Elixir. Lupus Domitor, if she remembered the name correctly. A few minutes later and she found herself in the Potions section. Picking a book at random, she thumbed through the pages quickly. Scanning the top of the pages for names of different kinds of potions.

She put the book back after a moment and picked a few other books at random, deciding she would rather be sitting down than standing. Luz grabbed about three books before heading out of the aisle to find an empty table. "What do you think you're doing?" A voice said. Luz paused looking around for a moment before spotting the kids section.

The children were gathered in a half circle and giggling as, surprisingly, Amity read to them. Curious, Luz walked a bit closer, still holding the books in her arms. "'We're your friends and we wanna help,' said the Tin Boy with a yelp. Otabin smiled and paced the floor. 'I've never had real friends before.'" Amity narrated, turning the page.

"Amity reading to kids? Hmm, didn't take her as the type." Luz commented to herself. Luz stood by the entrance of the kids corner and leaned against the archway, watching.

"'Then we'll be your first,' the Chicken Witch clucked. Otabin couldn't believe his luck. So, Bookmaker Otabin surrounded by friends, bound a book of friendship and that's the end." Amity finished, closing the book with a smile. The children clapped as they all got up and started to leave, saying their goodbyes to Amity.

Once the kids left Amity had to do a double take at Luz's presence. Her face turned into a scowl "Ugh. You." Luz rolled her eyes "didn't take you to be the type to read to kids."

Amity huffed, heading to the back of the room to set the book onto the small table. "It's for extra credit. Don't get your leggings in a bunch." Luz followed her in, setting the books she carried on a manga shelf for a moment. "Are you sure it's just for extra credit?" Luz teased.

"Human." Amity hissed, turning back around to face Luz. Luz's playful smirk fell at the hostile tone. "Do you see me going to the Owl Shack and bugging you while you... fry up owls?" Amity scoffed. "Okay, I don't really know what you do there, but every time you come near me, I get in trouble. Just leave me alone."

Luz held up her hands "sorry, sorry. I'll go." She picked her books back up and turned to leave the kids corner. But after taking a few steps a different voice called out to her. "You gonna let her get to you like that?" Luz looked over to see two older teens. Twins by the looks of them, Luz thought as she stopped walking and faced them.

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