Chapter 8

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The night is almost over.

Riley is with john in the desert.

Harrison is in the trunk of a car.

John is walking in the desert with Riley.

Joel is Dead.

Douglas is Dead.

Dave is Dead.

Harrison is Dead.

Riley is walking in the desert, With John close by.

John is angry with his Brother who lied to his friends about the safety of the desert.

"Why the hell would you lie to us about this place, Its not even a special desert, we could've went to another desert without Chiklus." John asked His Brother.

"This one seemed cool, And mysterious i might add, Where is the fun in a desert without people going missing in it?" Riley replied.

"You are an idiot Riley, Mysterious Disappearance deserts are not fun, At all there are many many things better then this shithole desert." John said.

"And i only have one bullet left, and there are atleast two more Chiklus out there raising hell and looking for us, So you better be ready for a fight because i don't know if we can beat them next time." John Told Riley.

Elsewhere, Harrison emerged from the trunk of the car, Hopeful that the Chiklus have left.

He gets out of the trunk and looks around for the rest of the group, And knows he must find a way to escape this nightmare, He goes to the tents and begins to search for supplies, he finds box of Pistol bullets that goes to John's Pistol, He decides to pick them up, Hoping John could use them if he can find him and Riley that is, As he continues to search he begins to hear growling.

"Of fucking course." He says as he prepares for a fight.

He decides to make a run for it, And by pure luck he manages to make it to the shack, But John and Riley have already left, And he is still alone.

He looks in the shack, Hopeful to find something he can use, He checks a room, The only thing he sees is a missing floorboard.

But, The Chiklus have Broken down the door.

Harrison must decide, Will he Fight or will he hide under the Floorboards?

He goes under the floor, and covers the opening with the board that was supposed to be there.

The Chiklus look for him above the floor, It seems Harrison's plan may save him,

But just as the pair of Chiklus are about to leave, They grab his scent.

The Chiklus are sniffing around the Shack, And stop Right above Harrison.

"Shit" He mutters a bit too loud.

The Chiklu standing above him begins to growl, And it attacks the floorboard.

And Rips it from the Foundation and finds Harrison.

Harrison is in a bad spot to be.

The Chiklu prepares to attack.

Harrison throws a rock at the Chiklu, Which only pisses it off even more.

The Chiklu Attacks Harrison, And Kills Him.

Harrison has Died.

Elsewhere, Riley and John are walking on a road, Attempting to get to town, Unaware that the rest of the Group has died.

"So we get to town then what?" Riley asks.

"We help everyone else obviously." John says.

"Alright then, That's a good idea. Riley replies.

"Keep an eye out for Chiklus, I don't know how many of them are left, But i don't want to get ambushed by them." John tells Riley.

The two men continue the walk to town, Hopeful that the night is almost over, And they can forget about the entire trip, and save their other friend.

Unknown to them however, Are the final 2 Chiklus, Fresh off the kill of Harrison, And ready for one more fight.

"I can't wait to graduate college, but Im more excited to leave this desert." Riley says.

"Lets focus on getting out of here before we think of college." John said.

The two brothers hear a Roar, And they both know, Its the Chiklus.

The Fight has begun, And Both duos are ready to battle.

The two Chiklus are the strongest of the entire pack, And love to fight, And Kill their Prey.

The two Brothers just want to get out of this alive, But do they want to get out alive more then the Chiklus want to fight?

The Chiklus battle in unison, A symphony of terror.

The Brothers are uncordinated, And do not know how to fight properly.

The first Chiklu Strikes, And he may aswell have struck gold as he bites John in the leg, And the wound is bad.

Riley takes a swing at the other Chiklu, And causes it to back off, If only for a moment.

John manages to kick the Chiklu off him with his good leg, But he is Limping and is in immense pain.

Riley Attempts to stab the other Chiklu, But it backs away, And pounces at the right time it scratches his chest.

The Chiklu is about to go for the kill, When John uses his last bullet, And kills the Chiklu.

Riley swings at the other Chiklu, But it moves out of the way, And Scratches John in the arm.

John is in immense pain, And the Chiklu knows this, And it is successful in Biting Johns shoulder.

It is about to go for the kill, When Riley manages to stand back up, And he Stabs the Chiklu with his Spear, Killing it.

The Pack of Chiklus are all dead, But John is bleeding out.

"John, You're gonna be okay man, Its over we can leave." Riley says as he sits by his brother.

John knows he is dying, And has made his peace with it.

"Get out of here Riley, It's over get out of here while you have the opportunity." John says slowly.

"I can't leave you Brother, I won't leave you." Riley says as John dies.

"John? John wakeup!" Riley yells at his brother.

John has Died.

"John wake up dammit!" Riley says as he shakes his brother.

Riley is in shock, He stares at the sky as the sun rises.

Riley sits on a rock and stares at the ground.

He stands as he hears a car on the road, And attempts to stop it.

The car slows to a stop, And a window rows down.

"Tough Night kid?" The man in the vehicle asks.

"It was, My brother hes-" The Driver cuts him off.

"Get in." The Driver says.

Riley has survived.


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