Eda's nightmare

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Been wanting to do a nightmare chapter
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
( eda's dream )

Eda found herself standing before the bridge leading to the Emperor's Castle.
She saw her sister, Lilith, standing before the castle gates at the other side of the bridge.

Lilith then snapped her fingers..and, a blue bubble containing a child appeared.....her child?

Lilith began the same old 'Join the Coven/The Emperor Will Heal You' promise monologue.

Eda ignored her, and proceeded to do battle with her sister.
With Lilith using the kid as a living shield to maintain the advantage.

........Then, the dream turned very DARK.

Her kid was knocked over the bridge, and Eda rushed to intercept.
Eda focused all her magic on levitating the bubble, keeping the kid afloat.

..then, Lilith conjured a hand construct that pushed the bubble further down.

Eda increased the strength of her magic, not giving a damn if she drained all she had.

and, then it happened..

*POP!* .......then silence.

Eda gasped in horror as the bubble popped..and, the kid plummeted to her doom.....as the dark abyss swallowed her up, Eda screamed in anguish as she turned into the owl beast and started mauling any guard who got in her way.


Eda shot up with a gasp. Eyes wide open and heart pumping fast, she looked around at her surroundings. No longer was she surrounded by darkness. She was in her own room, still in her own nest. Judging by the gray skies of the Boiling Isles, it was still nighttime.

It must have simply been a nightmare. But what if it actually did happen? Her kid getting killed, her cursed form, she had very little control over the amount of damage she can do.

Eda started to sniff, as she was suddenly washed over with guilt. She kept trying to remind herself that it was just a stupid dream-

But what if it did happen?

Eda curled up into a ball and started to sob to herself. Great. Here she was, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles, getting worked up over some silly dream. But it just felt so real. She would never intend on hurting them. Just the idea of her baby or even King getting hurt due to her curse got her more upset. She felt like a monster and continued to cry. She couldn't help it. At least no one was there to see her this vulnerable-


Damn it.

Eda took a quick glance out of her nest. By the doorway stood Oswald coming out of the bathroom. I heard you crying coming from our room. Are you alright love?"

Eda quickly grabbed the blanket she had next to her and tried to pretend she was asleep. She in no way wanted him to worry about her.

Oswald immediately sensing something was off, leaned over the nest and gently grabbed the edge of the blanket and slowly pulled it down so he could be face-to-face with his owl lady. Eda, with puffy eyes and tears running down her face, stared back at him, who was now frowning. Of all his time spent on the Boiling Isles, he rarely has seen Eda cry before.

"Eda, what's wrong?"

Eda was reluctant to answer. She hated every moment of this. She hated feeling exposed, feeling weak. Yet the tears wouldn't stop falling from her gold eyes. And seeing the worried expressions of Oswald looking down at her was only making her feel worse.

"I-I had a dream..." She closed her eyes tightly, it was about our kid getting killed.

"We don't have a kid? Just king our adopted son." Oswald adds.

...well for a month now I've been keeping a secret from you. Eda points to her non-existent baby belly.

Oswald back stepped into the nest and sat down in front of Eda and without hesitation wrapped his arms around her body. Eda, no longer caring how vulnerable she was, returned the hug and let herself cry over her mates shoulder. It had been forever since she'd been comforted, and she'd forgotten how... how wonderful it felt. Being able to let out all her bottled up emotions had been something that was well overdue.

"Shh, shh, it's alright," Oswald said softly as he slid his fingers through the witch's long fluffy hair. "It was only a dream. I'm here now. We're here now. We're alive and well."

Oswald pulled away, getting another look at the owl lady's face. Eda's sobs had since subsided to sniffles. he wiped away the witch's remaining tears and gave her a gentle smile.

Eda gave him a sadden look. "But, what if it happens?

Then I'll everything I can to protect you both.


Eda and Oswald are soon to be be parents ❤️

Eda and Oswald are soon to be be parents ❤️

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