Heavenly Toys Workshop.

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It had been about three days after your close encounter with a twisted version of Alice Angel, you, Boris, and Charley had managed to set up camp in the living quarters of the previous janitor, a Man named Wally Franks. You began to stir from your nap to see the familiar yellow look of the place, you sat up from the hammock you chose to sleep in and walked out into the hall. After using the restroom you walked into the main area to see Charley and Boris playing some sort of card game.

Being reminded of your life outside the studio and your promise, you walked up to the two cartoons and said, "Hey guys?" The two stopped their card game and turned to you as you continued, "I feel like it's time we try looking for a way out of here. I get that it's safe here, but I still haven't forgotten my promise to get you all out of here, and I intend to keep that promise." The two looked at each other before Boris got up and patted you on the back saying, "Well I know this. I can tell you're a very confident person, so I'm not gonna get in the way of what you're doing. But I'll try to help in anyway I can." Charley then got up and said, "Don't think you're doing this alone too. I'm with ya all the way." You thanked the two as you all got the necessary materials and left the safehouse to search for anyway out.

Eventually after an encounter with a twisted version of Charley bursting through a poster and seeing several shelves of plushies you finally came to a large area filled with cutouts and plushies with a sign labeled 'Hevanly Toys Workshop'..

Eventually after an encounter with a twisted version of Charley bursting through a poster and seeing several shelves of plushies you finally came to a large area filled with cutouts and plushies with a sign labeled 'Hevanly Toys Workshop'

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"Ya know I was thinkin'." Charley said as the three of you continued walking. You motioned for him to go on as he continued, "If there are corrupted versions of me, Bendy and Alice Angel. Maybe my crew is around here somewhere here as well." You thought as the three of you came to an elevator. Walking in the gate suddenly closed behind you as the elevator began moving downwards. "I-I can't believe I found you again! What good luck!" The voice of Alice Angel cut through the speakers and sending all three of you into a further state of alarm, "I need your help. Please! Come find me, level nine." You recognized the voice as the kinder side of Alice when you last met her. The elevator stopped and the gates opened into a large room with a giant head of Alice at the end and the statement 'She's quite a gal!' On a sign. All of you were on edge as you walked carefully across a bridge towards the door under the sign.

As it slowly groaned and creeked open, the three of you went in with boris leading the charge. After passing through a few corridors you were all struck with fear with what you saw, an entire room filled with versions of Boris, Charley, and the other butcher gang members, strewn up like museum pieces, each one dead in their own way. You felt like vomiting at the smell... but Boris had beaten you to it, he threw up what appeared to be ink into a massive pool below. "I'm sorry you had to see this..." Alice replied through the speakers again, "She thought they'd make us beautiful. She made me..." She stopped as the three of you tried your best to ignore the smell and make your way across massive boards to the other side.

You passed through another few halls before the three of you came face to face with the same Alice from all those weeks ago. "Now we come to the question," Alice began in a more sinister tone, "Do I tear you limb from limb? Or do I... P-please, I need help, I've been trying to work on something to separate me from her, I've hidden the requirements in that crate over there. Please hurry, before it's too late." She finished as she pulled a lever and a massive metal door slammed down in between you and the cursed Angel. Charley walked over to the crate that she mentioned and pulled out a piece of paper as well as a wrench, a plunger, and a needle. "Says here on this paper that we need five gears, five valves, five bits of thick ink, and... Five ink hearts." Charley finished as he shuddered at the final thing on the list.

As the three of you came back to the elevator, you spoke up, "Okay. It's clear that Alice doesn't have much time left, so if we were to split up on getting the materials, we could get them back to Alice just as fast." "Provided it's for the right reasons..." Charley muttered under his breath before speaking, "How are we so sure that this stuff is for Alice to use for a good reason when it could just as easily be used for evil purposes?"

"That's just it." Boris stated, "We don't. But if you were in the same boat, I'd do my best to help you as well. I can handle the valves. Charley, you try getting the thick ink, and (Y/N), I'm sure you can get the gears. Let's do this!" Boris put his hand in the middle of all of you and you also brought your hand in, Charley rolling his eyes before also putting his hand in and the three of you hopping into the elevator and traveling to your assigned floors, ready to help the angel in need.

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