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You felt like you were having a bad dream as you heard something in the distance, it sounded like muffled talking again, You tried to open your eyes to see a short figure in tattered clothing looking around the area. You grunted in pain as the figure noticed and ran over saying, "Oh my Joey you're alive!" The voice sounded like a young kid and as your vision slowly cleared, you were met with a very small character who despite the clothing change, you recognized instantly...

"...Bendy...?" You slowly said as you began to sit up. "Ah-Hold on! You were pretty badly injured when I found you. I managed to patch up your arm and your head, and the rest of your body was somehow still intact from the fall." Bendy said as he placed down a plunger he was holding and pulled a can of bacon soup from behind him and opened it as he placed it in your hand that wasn't in a sling, "This should make you feel better, it always works for me." You looked at the black clumpy soup in the can and slowly drank it up, and by some variety of the arcane, your headache dissapeared and your arm felt like it could move again. You took off the head wrapping to feel if there were any sort of injuries on your head but you didn't feel anything.

You sat there in awe before your mind reminded you of your situation. "Oh! Boris! Charley! Edgar! I have to rescue them!" You said as you quickly stood up, Bendy just standing back. "Well let's go get them!" Bendy said as he grabbed the plunger he had set down and looked ahead triumphantly as his scarf blew in a sudden light breeze. You giggled at his little cartoony gesture and the two of you walked down to a closed door that had a hole in the middle.

"Looks like we might need a valve handle for that door, maybe there's one down this way." You said as you turned the other direction to see a set of doors, the one you tried turned out to be locked but Bendy tried the other and it opened into a room full of words scribbled all over the walls. The two of you Ventured inside as you noticed a tape recorder on a desk, pressing play led to a huge number of understandable sounds that creeped you out. Bendy managed to find a spare valve gear in an opening in the wall and the two of you went back to the door and you picked Bendy up so he could put the valve in and turn it, with the door opening and letting out a huge creak as the metal groaned in age.

It seemed to trigger something as some sort of music began playing and a set of lights came on revealing a set of Inky figures in front of a statue of bendy. You shivered as you walked forward with Bendy right behind you. "Pardon me... but you didn't have a 'Hello my name is' tag on your shirt so would you mind telling me your name?" Bendy said as the two of you walked through an open door to see a massive cavern with cages all over the ceiling and an old but somehow still active  tramway across to a door. As you made sure to stay away from the edge you replied, "Well you can call me (Y/N), it's nice to formerly meet you Bendy."

You and Bendy then hopped into the cart as it slowly carried you across. After a brief scare you made it yo the other side and opened the door to a long hallway. Before you could even get halfway across all of a sudden a bunch of hands came reaching out from in between the boards and scaring the daylights out of you. After they suddenly went away without any explanation the two of you reached the other side and were met with both a massive stairwell and an unpleasant voice, "I see you there... my little erand kid. And if it isn't the demon himself. I wonder, what keeps you going? Is it the thrill of the hunt? Or perhaps... You're just looking for some little... friendly... characters..."

"What are you doing to them Alice!?" You shouted up to her as you made it to the top.

"What are you doing to them Alice!?" You shouted up to her as you made it to the top

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"Well if you want to see them again... better hurry... Boris is having trouble staying in one piece... and the others aren't far behind." The twisted angel said as Bendy opened a door and the two of you came into a room filled to the brim with Inky characters like the ones you saw earlier. You were tempted to run before Bendy said, "No need to worry, these are the Lost Ones. They mostly stay here to try and hide from the Angel, but they won't hurt us as long as we don't provoke any of them." Bendy made his way through the crowd as you kept an eye on them as you moved through them, most appearing sad or even traumatized. You made it into a vent at the end with a flashlight that Bendy grabbed and as he climbed inside he said, "Come on (Y/N), we can navigate through these vents. Follow me."

As you slowly tailed Bendy as the two of you slowly made your way through the vents, you noticed something you never saw in any of the posters or films of Bendy. He had a tail! Pointed on the end like a demon's tail, but a sudden thump infront of Bendy brought you out of your thoughts as he lept back. There through the metal grate was the Ink demon, still smiling as it traced its finger across one of the metal beams. It then walked away as the two of you continued. "Wait, there's two of you? Oh who am I kidding." You said as Bendy spoke up, "Yeah, I haven't come across him much but when he does appear near me, he seems to grow more... passive then he does when near anyone else. I've never really gotten it myself, but I feel like there's some sort of good intention behind that monsterus attitude. Like some sort of need to clean up someone else's mess. But that's just a theory of mine."

"Well you wouldn't be the only one to see some sort of good nature in that big guy. I can't really understand why but the one other time I saw him, he spared me. I don't know why but I think there's something we can do to help him, but I don't know what yet." You said as the two of you came out of the vent into a large area with a massive sign that read 'BENDY HELL' on it. You looked down at the massive storehouse as Bendy shouted, "Look! Games!"

As he looked at the area where the two carnival games were, you aproached this massive Haunted house Structure

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As he looked at the area where the two carnival games were, you aproached this massive Haunted house Structure. "This might lead to where Alice is keeping the others. Hang on guys... I'm coming."


A/N: I apologize if the story seems to speed up and slow down in certain parts, I'm just trying to write this as best I can. But so far I'm really happy with where this story is going and if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it.

Have an awesome day everyone!


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