~Weakness~ (Variety of ships)

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Oks so this is like a several onesgots smushed together. It's fluff and a a little angst- not that it matters tho-

Atlas x Nine
Hinalea x Lato
Iantis x Sands
Fyra x Deus



Oki let's goooooo...

'Hey what you doing up this late?'

Iantis turned to the side much to quickly that he almost tripped over himself. He heard the metal horror chuckle at his clumsy ways.

'I could ask you the same question.'

Iantis didn't wish to respond to what he'd asked. Of course, Sands didn't give up persisting.

'That doesn't really answer my question, besides I asked first, did you forget?'

Iantis groaned and sat on the benches on the sit of the training area.

'I don't wanna let anyone down.'

Sands chuckled as he walked over to the lightning horror, plopping down beside him.

'I thought it would take a while to get you to talk. Straight to the point, that's what I like bout you.'

Iantis punched his shoulder, small blush appearing on his pale cheeks.

'We've been working SO hard, and then I go screw up and lose an arm-'

He was shushed by Sands. The mask covered his mouth but Iantis could tell he was trying to smile at the other.

'We all screw up. No matter what everyone calls us, monsters, horrors, we're techinally still human.'

Iantis' face dropped.

'I don't wanna be a burden'

'You'll never be a burden to anyone.'

'Nine got hurt because of me!'

'Eh who cares.'

'I do!'

'Well I care that he got you hurt! You lost an arm for God's sake!'

'It's different!'

'Damn you're so stubborn. Don't you get it!? I won't let your sorry ass get hurt again'

Sands looked away from Iantis blush spread across his face, visibly. Iantis had never seem Sands lose his cool, but he liked this version.

'I'll try harder to not get hurt, I promise!'

Iantis smiled widely. Sands blushed lightly before turning away. Sands felt hands take of his hood and ruffled his hair.

'Your so stupid'

'I'm not the idiot here!'

'You have a soft spot for me~!'

'No I don't!'

'Ha! Yes you dooooo~!'


I'll never tell you the truth.

(SWEAR WARNING. It's Deus...What you expect-)
'What makes stars so special?'

Deus signed at the pointless question.

'Gee, I don't know Fyra, maybe because they are in the sky out of our reach'

'That's stupid'

'What's stupid is that you think I'm not number one!'

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