His butler, infatuated

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*Alois had been in the forest surrounding his mansion for a part of the day*

"I'm not going to let you get away." I ripped off the left wing of the delicate blue butterfly. I looked behind me to see Claude and Hannah standing a ways behind me.

"I wonder what he's thinking that demon. I should rip his wings off."

*Claude escorts Alois back to the mansion for tea*

"Claude I want you to get me a cage for this butterfly. And surround it with flowers so it may drink nectar whenever it pleases."

"For what purpose is the cage your highness? Even if you lock it up it won't be going anywhere with a wing like that."

"I don't care you do as I say!" I scream in frustration. That damn demon.

Out of the corner of my eye i see those triplets whispering.

"You lot are always whispering and I don't like it. From now on you will all speak up!"

I place the butterfly on Claude's bow tie and walk away.


"Yes your highness."

I turn around to see the three behind me.

"Go gather roses outside"

The three purple haired demons whisper amongst themselves and briskly walk outside.


I walk into the garden to see the three triplets picking roses.

"Hello miss Hannah"
"Yes hello miss Hannah"
"Good day miss Hannah"

"I see you all are speaking this afternoon."

"The master ordered us to"
"We absolutely hate it"
"Yes it's positively dreadful"

"Hmm though roses are pretty you should much rather use this flower. A blue bell."


Claude leads me to my room which is full of the most beautiful blue bells.

"There are blue bells everywhere...it's just like that other garden..." I think back to the village where me a Luca used to live and my eyes fill with tears.

"Claude...you did this you know me so well..."

"Yes indeed your highness. Pleasure into pain, certainty into dread, navy into golden that's what makes a Trancy butler."


*Claude is in his study when he hear Alois scream his name*

"Claude! Claude help me!"

I rush to one of the sitting rooms to see it set ablaze.

"What happened in here?"

"The butterfly...I wanted to burn it."

I try to walk towards the room to put out the fire when I feel the young master grab hold of my leg.

"Claude no! You can't go in there! It'll burn you alive! You have to stay here with me!"

"Yes of course your highness. I shall stay by your side till the day I get to devour your soul."


*Claude has put Alois to bed and is sitting next to him*

"I grow hungrier everyday just waiting. One day I shall make a feast of you."

"Claude...do you love me...?"

"As long as-"

"Why can't you ever give me a straight answer it's always 'as long as this' or 'until that'..." I begin to drift into sleep not getting my answer.

"As long as our contract stays set..."

*a kiss is placed on Alois Tracy's forehead. A token of affection not received by him in a very long time...*

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