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Takes place right after Noland's crew started to leave Shandia and everyone was just starting to realize that they are not bad people, thanks to Mousse's help.


It was time to leave, time to say goodbye. Everybody was crying tears of sadness as their friends, who did nothing but help them went on their separate path. Tensions were loosening and everyone was happy to know that no matter where they went, they always had these new friends that they could count on, and that they would eventually meet again.

No one was sadder than Noland and Calgara though, because they had more feelings in it than the rest. They were losing their new best friend, someone that they were starting to grow to love, and who would soon become more than just a friend.

"Goodbye my friend!" Noland shouted over the waves at Calgara "I'll miss you!"

"Goodbye Noland!" the happy shandian yelled back. "I'm going to miss you" Calgara whispered tears streaming down his face.

"No, you will not dad" Mousse said staring into the distance at the ship that was slowly disappearing into the horizon, after overhearing her dad. He quickly looked up at her angry and confused.

"No, you will not. Have a fun journey and remember to come back sometimes to say 'Hi'" She continued, looking her dad in the eyes as she continued with tears trickling down her cheeks.

"And enjoy yourself "she said confidently while she walked over to give her dad a quick hug goodbye.

"Now go, and let speed be with you, you'll need it" she joked watching the ship disappear into the distance. He took one last look at her as if to say "Really?" and with a nod from Mousse he was off after yelling a quick goodbye to his friends, family, and the only life he had ever known.

"Slow down the ship!!" Noland commanded to his crew as he saw his new friend start swimming frantically after them through the thick waves.

"We have a stowaway" he laughed, gleefully giving his sopping wet friend a hand up onto the boat.

"Thank you" Calgara responded "For the trees, for saving my people..."

"There is no need to thank me, and welcome to our boat, I'm assuming you are one of us now?" Noland asked assured in his assumption after the act of bravery and recklessness that Calgara had just showed.

"Yeah" Calgara replied happy to be accepted.

"Meet the newest member of our crew!" Noland yelled to the crew and a stream of cheers followed.

"Hell yeah, we get someone that strong on our crew! We'll be wanted pirates in no time!" someone from the crew shouted (I don't remember if they are pirates or not but, in this story, they are😊) earning laughs from his fellow shipmates, and one person yelling back that that wasn't something to be happy about. They sailed on to the next island, not wanting the adventure to end yet, and wanting to show their new crew mate a good time and an exciting adventure.

I hoped you like it. Noland and Calgara's relationship will slowly grow to the point where it might get a little smutty near the end;) I wanted to try to make a story where the characters start off as friends and slowly build into something more instead of where they start the story in a relationship:) Please read more if you liked it. If you read my other stories, you know that I never post, like ever... so... yeah. If you see any places where there are any grammar errors pleas comment, and I will change them to help me become a better author and to hopefully make the future chapters better and more enjoyable to read:) I am making this for my own enjoyment so please do not criticize me or my writing, gentle corrections if you choose to correct. Thank you and have a wonderful day😊

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