A friendly story...

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Everything was going great... well other than the fact that they were about to be eaten. It all started when Laundry, one of the crew abord the Lvneel. K. D (I think that this is the name of their ship) announced that there was a giant whale that was coming straight towards them and that it looked hungry. Everyone started pancaking, as one does when a giant whale is about to eat you. Yet their new crew member was only laughing, staring the beast dead in the eye.

"What's so funny?!" Finn, another crew mate yelled at him thinking that he had finally lost his mind. Joining them on their adventure last minute, and now laughing when they were about to get eaten. And their captain was completely fine with it! He had had enough. This was going to be the day that he finally made this newbie pay for upsetting the natural balance of the ship, stealing the captain's attention ALL THE TIME. But first, not getting eaten, and that was posing to be a problem. They had turned the ship around but were unable to pick up speed, due to the wind direction. Until, still laughing Calgara took out his spear and jumped onto the monsters back slicing the giant whale cleanly in two.

"I think that I just killed us our dinner, friends" he said calmly as he jumped back to their ship. Just as Sammy, my boyfriend, and our chef clapped him, the enemy, on the back! Telling him he did a good job and that he would cook us up a good meal tonight. And indeed, he did, we ate like kings. Who knew that whale when cooked would taste so good (I have never eaten whale, just a speculation😊)? After a good meal Finn decided that it was time to confront Calgara.

As all their shipmates went to find their bed after the hearty meal, Finn followed Calgara out on the deck, for it was Calgara's turn to take the night watch.

"Hey!" Finn yelled out to him, and as Calgara turned around he continued "Yeah, you. Why are you on our ship? Why did you join us?"

"Haha, Me, I am simply trying to find an adventure and to stay with your captain, Noland, because I couldn't bear to part from him" This caught Finn by surprise because he too had joined their motley crew because he had someone that he loved and couldn't part from on board, the cook Sammy.

"Well, that and the fact that my daughter said that it was ok, and actually encouraged me to come!" Calgara continued.

"Still why would you tell me that?" Finn asked as the edge on his voice slowly lessened.

"Well, it's not like it was a secret, so why not, haha. Why did you think that I joined you?"

"Um, I don't know exactly" Finn admitted.

"Well then I suppose that you had no reason to dislike me then, I'm glad" 

As Calgara breathed out a sigh of relief Finn realized just what Calgara had given up and left behind to be here, a wife, a daughter, a city, and all his friends that were in it. And for some reason this fact made him pity the man a little and realize just how lucky he was that he didn't have to give anyone up to be here. Everyone that he loved was already here, his boyfriend, his sister, and even his aunt. Both of his parents had died when he was young so there was no one else back "home" and this ship, the Lvneel. K. D was his new home. But he knew that others weren't always as lucky as he was.

"Do you regret leaving your family?"

"No, but I do wonder how Herb feels about it" Calgara answered

"Who is Herb? Did I meet her?" Finn asked.

"Probably not, she is my wife, but you see we only got together so that we could help continue to repopulate the land. In Shandora there must be at least the same number of births as there are deaths, to keep our population high, helping us to survive living in the forest and all the calamities that we believed to be the work of God. Me and Herb were married and had Mousse to do just that. We both wanted to be with someone of the same gender it was an easy solution to just be together. She doesn't leave the gardens very often though, that's why we call her Herb, so no you probably didn't meet her."

"Oh, I see, so that is why you could leave so easily. And the captain has had a few boyfriends before too, so you have a pretty good shot."

"Wait, what part of leaving was easy, I love Herb, she is my best friend, and I love my daughter too, and all my friends live there, I just felt that I needed to see the outside world. And I needed to see it with Noland and your crew. Because I love him, and I love you and your crew mates as well." Calgara fired back at Finn, angry that he thought that way and frustrated too, because his feelings, while well-hidden were important to him and ever since joining their crew he had been showing them more, but they were still being taken lightly.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean any offence by it, I wasn't thinking. Sorry." Finn apologized.

 As their conversation continued, they remained unaware of the eavesdropper listening in on their conversation. Noland was quite happy to hear what had been said because it meant that the man that he had begun to love liked him to, and that Calgara was becoming a part of the crew. Something that he only hoped would come with time. 

Hi, Me again, I hoped you liked it, if you did, please like the story so that my book can gain popularity. I will most likely make the story only around 5-8 chapters to keep it easy to read. Thank you, and have a wonderful day:)

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