What next?

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Now that our lovely main characters had already started dating, they now needed to figure out why the sky turned black. They walked over to where Laundry, Sammy and Finn were talking. Apparently, Laundry had been up all night with her girlfriend and had watched the sky turn dark.

"I think that we should turn due east." Laundry stated "We are currently headed Southwest, but it seems almost as though we are going deeper into the blackness..."

"Turn towards due East!!" Noland bellowed at the crew, trusting his navigator, who had never steered him wrong in the past.

"Thanks, I was also wondering..." Laundry was abruptly cut off as the ship was struck by a huge wave on its side. Shaking the entire ship and causing all the rough sea wearers off their feet. As they all tuned around, they watched as a stream of water shot into the sky. A shot of water that they would have been in if not for Laundry turning the ship around just in time.

"Ack, that is a lot of water!" Sammy remarked as he watched with aww as the water shot into the sky. Finn squeezed his hand in response, so awestruck that he was unable to talk.

And just as abruptly as it had started, it was over. The sky went back to blue, and it almost seemed as though nothing had happened. The entire crew was shocked as it almost didn't seem real. How does the sky both turn to night, and then back to day in such a short period. They were also very glad that they luckily were not going through the journey to Skypiea again (I am not entirely sure of how they got to Skypiea, but am pretty sure they went through the Knock up stream). Clagara watched it with a different expression, having guessed what it was, he looked more forlorn. Picking up on this Noland grabbed his hand, much to Finn's excitement, and softly pulled him to a quieter spot.

"Hey, you Ok?" Noland asked soothingly, showing a softer side than most people had seen before.

"Yeah, just thought that the people back home would have loved seeing how you got to us."

"I know what it's like. We are all here for you, Me, Finn, Sammy, Laundry, and everyone else on this ship. You are one of us now, remember that."

"Thanks... Boyfriend..."

"Haha, you been waiting to try out your new phrase?"


"haha, you really are a cute BOYFRIEND, I'm glad you came with us... Now does my BOYFRIEND want to go back to the rest of the group yet?"

"No... Not really"

"Oh?" Noland teased, pulling Calgara a little bit closer to himself.

"Oh?" Calgara teased back, clearly enjoying that he finally had a boyfriend, and that it was accepted in this new world that he had jumped aboard... At least enough that Sammy and Finn could hold hands in the open, and that Noland would have the courage to pull him closer than other people in front of the entire crew.

"I really like you, you know"

"Yeah, I know" Noland pulled Calgara to him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "I like you too"

Calgara tuned bright red, and some of the crew started cheering, and all and all being way too happy to take their mind off of their problems and instead focus on the new couple on board.

So... I think that I warned you earlier that I never post... Sorry about that. Hoped you liked the new chapter. Please share it with your friends or like it if you did. Also feel free to leave a comment. They make me happy:)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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