Just as fast as you came

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It's been 2 weeks since Peeta and I danced and he kept dropping me. 3 months since we kissed. 6 years since Peeta left right when I was about to get my sight back. And almost a year since he came back to my life.

I don't know what day or hour that I fell in love with him. It just happened. I guess he loved me back because of the way he kissed me. But about 10 minutes ago I am not sure that's true.

10 minutes ago...

"Katniss what would you do if you didn't lose your family in that fire?", he asks with a smile.

"Peeta you know I don't like to talk about my past.", I said.

"Oh well I just wanted to know what it was like having your sister falling off your back and instantly dying as she fell. Or what fire felt like in your eyes as it blinded you.", he almost yelled.

"Why are you doing this Peeta?", I ask getting up from my bed, "Why do you suddenly start dropping me while doing lifts during dance practice? Why did you hit me when you got mad about who knows what the other day? Why did I see the book I brought along for us to read burning in the fireplace downstairs in the hotel? Why do you look at me like I'm an ugly lonely girl? Why? Why did you kiss me that day? What happened?"

"That doesn't matter cause I imagine you will want to leave after I say this. You are nothing but a lonely girl. With no family.", he said.

"Your wrong I have Annie and Finnick and Clove and Cato and Uncle Haymich and Dandelion.", I say breathing quickly.

"Annie and Finnick are in love. More than likely they will become their own family. Clove and Cato are on the verge of getting married. You can't third wheel for the rest of your life. Uncle Haymich is very old. And so is Dandelion.", he said, "And the kiss. Well That love is just a spark that starts in your heart it is also just the sound that plays in your heart and gets caught in your throat."

Then I got mad.

"Alright Peeta Mellark. You may have been reunited with your family. And I never will be reunited with my family till I die. And you disappeared for 6 years. Now its my turn. Good bye Peeta Mellark. Good luck with your kingdom. Hopefully some plastic brested girl will come your way and you will marry her. I hope to never see you again. The bruise that you gave me on my cheek will heal. But the wound on my heart never will. You'll figure it out someday. ", I said and picked up my bag and walked away.

The ring on my finger felt constricting and the necklace felt heavy. So I slid off the ring and pulled the necklace off and dropped it on the floor on the way out.

As soon as possible I got on a plane and went back home.

I never looked back.

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