Back to December

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Its snowy December. Dandelion was walks in her doggie coat and in a big coat.

My boots leave prints on the snow as we walk to the dance studio.

"Katniss!!!", Clove came from the studio closet, took Dandelion's leash and pushed me into the bathroom with a dress.

For the last few weeks I have been getting used to dancing ballet in a long dress instead of a short one. But its pretty much the same. For my first act I'm in a short grey dress. But in the first scene a little baby is Aurora.

"You ready kat?", Clove walks in with a little baby that is to be Aurora in the first scene.

"Yeah," I said making a bow with the ribbon on my shoes.

I watch as the ballet/play starts.

Clove is the Queen and Cato is the king.

Clove gently dances around a baby crib while singing a lullaby. Cato joins her as the other dancers come in and dance with them. "Long Live the Royal family!" Everyone shouts  it was amazing.

Suddenly Margaret one of the best dancers in our class comes in as Maleficent. It w

"Before the sunsets on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die!", she says in an evil voice.

"Oh no!", Clove as the queen says picking up the baby.

Maleficent laughs then disappears in a cloud of smoke.

"We will take her somewhere safe for 16 years . And her name shall be Brier Rose during that time.", the fairies informed the King and Queen.

The lights dim and the narrator comes over the loud speaker as the curtains close and people rush to change to the next scene.

I step out with a broom stick, 'cleaning' the outside of the cottage. Three girls in frilly tutues and aprons skip in dancing.

"Brier Rose!", they chant, "We need you to pick some berries."

They force a basket into my hand and I scurry off stage. The scene is changed into a forest.

I step out dancing the ballet and singing at the same time. My grey dress twirls as I dance.

"I wonder, I wonder
I wonder why each little bird has a someone
To sing to, sweet things to
A gay little lark melody? 

I wonder, I wonder
I wonder if my heart keeps singing 
Will my song go winging
To someone, who'll find me
And bring back a love song to me? "

(Remember she sang this song to Finnick and Peeta?)

I sat at the end of the stage where a tree was, talking to the a canary that perched on tree. I started twirling around as the bird flew around me.

Finnick was on the other side of the stage as the prince. He interacted with the kids in the audience asking them "Should I ask her to dance?"

They all yelled "Yes!!!"

So Finnick came to me and asked me to dance. I accepted and we danced across the stage.

"What's your name", he asked me.

"Hmm? Oh. My name can't...I", I stuttered as Brier Rose does in this moment,"Goodbye!", I started to walk away.

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