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"Mrs Brewster is spoiling me...I am very grateful to everyone, Ma'am?" Steven Blackstone said, clearly embarrassed as he accepted a cup of tea from Mama, sitting in the drawing room surrounded by all the Montague women. It was not appropriate for my fiancé to lodge with us in his hour of need, until he could find his own accommodation, but it was fine for him to call on me at home, although we would never ever be left alone. And as he found himself suddenly unemployed, other than the planning work he was supposedly doing for the new school, he had the time to do so. "I did not expect my brother to..."

"Think nothing of it, young man...we are aware of your circumstances and whilst your older brother has let you down, we shall not...Mr and Mrs Brewster are old and dear friends and you can stay with them until after the wedding...when you will live here with Hermione." Catriona announced, which was a surprise to me as well as Steven, but not an unwelcome one, to me at any rate. I had wondered about where we would live, because his flat at Deepdene obviously came and went with his job there, and I did not think there would be any staff accommodation at our new school, as there would be no boarding facilities, but I had never even considered him moving in with us. However, as soon as my grandmother mentioned it, I was delighted, of course. My main concerns about marrying him was not seeing enough of my sisters, but if we were all living in the same house that would not be an issue. And it was plenty big enough for everyone. Malcolm Montague had bought the house for Mama and Papa when it was decided that the family had to move back to Meadvale, but he had bought big because he wanted his whole family to have a proper base in the village again. He was probably partly thinking of his retirement, and may not have had much choice as the decision to move back was made in a rush and properties within the village did not come on the market very often, but the house was huge. Even with four couples, ten children, Miss Ford, Miss Knight and me, there were three bedrooms currently empty, so there really was plenty of space. And Catriona was clearly giving Steven an order, which amused me. He would have to learn how to cope with Grandmama, or she would wrap him around her little finger. "You will have a very busy time with the new school, and Malcolm will appreciate having you close to him, and Hermione will be so much happier here with us...families should live together, don't you think so, Mr Blackstone?"

"I...um...suppose so, Ma'am...but I am used to having my own space..." Steven stuttered a little, still clearly terrified of grandmama, and I had to look down, demurely, to stifle a broad smile. "But...I will admit that I cannot afford to buy anywhere around here...even outside of the village would be too expensive...not on a teacher's salary..."

"Then it is settled...you will live with us...Nigel and Susannah have their own sitting room as do Keith and Louise...which gives them some basic privacy outside of their bedrooms in the evenings...you shall have the same...although Hermione does like to spend her evenings with me and her Mama..." Catriona continued, beaming at poor Steven, shamelessly bullying him, purely for fun, I think. I did like to spend my evenings after our dinner with Mama and Grandmama, but they normally sent me to bed, as my maiden bedtime was still around nine o'clock, and they both liked to spend some time alone with their own husbands without me in their way. "But tell me, have you been able to see or speak to your mother?"

"No...my stepfather was conflicted...as I am banned from Deepdene...I was told that if I set foot on the site, I will be charged with trespassing...so, I cannot visit their house...and Kieran thought it best not to antagonise the governors by rushing Mum straight to my side. We have not seen eye to eye over many things, but he will let me see her, on neutral territory, or so he said at least...I have written her a note...we will probably need to let the dust settle for a day or two, Ma'am?"

"I shall ask Gayle Brewster to invite Sheila for coffee...they are old friends and that should not embarrass Mr Radcliffe." Grandmama suggested, which was another good idea. "I will just happen to be there at the same time, with Hermione...and Miss Knight, of course...and then we can all see Sheila...you do know Hermione is particularly fond of your beloved mother, Mr Blackstone?"

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