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"How much longer?" I whine to Ashely who stands behind the counter with her phone. I walk over to her with a tray with dirty mugs. It is Tuesday afternoon and tomorrow I fly to Miami for my first grand prix as an intern at McLaren. I had two meetings this week at MTC which were very exciting, but the Grand Prix will be the real deal. I was looking forward to it so much.

Not only the start of my internship, but also to see Lando again. We had been facetiming almost every day for the last two weeks since we came back from Imola. I can't deny that I miss his happiness around me and can't wait to see him again. We talked about how busy the weekend was going to be. I will have a much greater role this week, so Lando will not be the only one running around, but we are certain we can find time for each other.

"What?" Ashley asks, looking up from her phone. I wave it away when I get to her and dumb the tray on the counter. "Who are you texting the whole time?"

She ignores me and types further on her phone with a concentrated expression. Then she puts it away and looks at me. "What?"

"Who are you texting," I laugh again. "No one, don't be so nosy," She laughs as well and starts unloading the tray I put down. "Okay, sorry. I'm just bored."

"Oh your life is so exciting now that a mundane work shift is too boring to miss 'I'm dating a famous person'," she jokes. I lean over the counter and try to slap her, "We are not dating."

"Oh no? Then why is he standing over there?" she asks with a sneaky grin. My brain doesn't register what she is saying when I hear the door of the café open. She points behind me and I don't know how fast I turn around, but it almost brings me out of balance. I feel a hand wrap around my waist, keeping me steady. "Hey you," Lando laughs at me.

I don't know what to say when I see him in front of me. I just stand there, completely and utterly surprised. "What are you doing here?" Is the first thing I can say after a good ten seconds.

He laughs and stretches out his hands that, I see just now, holds a bouquet of white roses. "Taking you on our first date." I take the roses and smile at him, still very confused. I look around at Ashley who is watching us from behind the counter. "Did you have a hand in this," I ask with my eyes squeezed at her. "Go, I will cover your evening." she laughs and nods with her head. I walk around the counter and hug her. "You are a sly bitch, but I love you."

I look from Ashley to Lando to my clothes. A jeans and white blouse with my apron. "But do you expect me to go in my work clothes?" Lando laughs and shakes his head, "no, just let me take you and all will be well." He offers his arm and I take it laughing at his posh accent. "Wait my-" I turn around to get my bag from the back, but when I turn Ashley throws it at me. She wiggles her eyebrows and I smile at her again. I mouth a 'thank you' before following Lando outside. A blue McLaren is parked on the curbs and I get into the passenger's seat.

"You ready?" Lando says after buckling his seatbelt. "I don't know for what, because you are acting very suspicious." He just laughs at me and starts driving, without telling me anything.

When we drive around the second corner I get where he is taking me. I laugh and look at him with a raised eyebrow, "are you taking me to my own home?"

"Maybe, you need to change, don't you?" He answers, but I squeeze my eyes looking through my lashes. "How do you know where I live? I never told you my address." He shrugs and keeps his eyes on the road. He is definitely hiding something, but I will play along and lean back in the car seat, letting everything just happen.

When the car stops we are indeed in front of my apartment building. "Okay, you are either very cute or a crazy stalker." I laugh at him when we walk inside. He lets me walk in front and I feel myself getting tense with every step. What was happening?

I open the door of my apartment and Immediately notice the scent of fresh lasagne, my favourite. I turn around to Lando who is closing the door behind me. I look to the kitchen and find Sabine there cooking with another young man. They seem to be having quite good fun and I clear my throat to get there attention. They both turn at me.

"Hi I'm Max, nice to meet you," introduces the guy himself. I relax and understand Lando asked for help with something and brought his backup. I look around at the brunette who laughs, "what I need help sometimes."

I laugh and hug Max quickly, "Hi nice to meet you too, I'm Ophelia. But you knew that." He nods and smiles at me. Then Sabine comes to me, "you need a change of clothes. Come with me." She pulls me into the bedroom and closes the door.

"Bine what's going on?" I ask her. She smiles and makes a movement that she locks her lips. "Please, I'm going insane! How is Lando here and how are you in my place." She just smiles and shrugs. "Go freshen up and don't let your date wait. Have fun, Ashley stays with me tonight" she says with a wink and walks through the door leaving me confused in my bedroom.

I do as Sabine told me to and freshen up. I put on light make-up, let my hair hang loose and put on a short red cocktail dress. I consider shoes, but I'm in my own home so decide against it.

I step out of my bedroom twenty minutes later. My mouth falls open when I look around the room. The lights are dimmed and there are candles around the table everywhere. I don't see Sabine and Max anymore, but Lando is standing by the table in a white buttoned shirt and black jeans. His watch and ring accentuate the outfit and make him look amazing.

He smiles when he sees me and I feel a blush creeping on my cheeks. "You look amazing," he says when I stand in front of him. "And that in twenty minutes." Classic Lando, to make a joke of everything. I roll my eyes, but can't help laughing as well. "Thanks, you don't look bad either." I let my hand travel down his arm to his hand.

He walks with me to the table pulling out my chair. "My lady," he says courtly. I smile and sit down at my own dinner table that is set with candles, a bottle of red wine, glasses and two plates of delicious lasagne. "This looks amazing, glad you had it made instead of cooking yourself." I tease Lando when he sits down.

He laughs, "I wanted you to actually eat." Then he pours some wine in our glasses and takes it in his hand. "To a special night and a good first date." I clink my glass to his with a smile and take a sip, letting the wine flow through my body. A warm feeling spreads through my body and that is not only the alcohol hitting my blood.


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