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Sitting on a barstool in the garage I watch the screens as the last lap of the race starts. The start was amazing, where Lando gained three positions. We knew it was impossible to hold, but it gave a nice confidence boost. Lando is still at Fernando's tail when we see the fireworks come up for Max when he crosses the finish line first.

"Come on," I mumble looking at the time between Lando and Fernando. They enter the last corner, last chance. I watch hopefully, but they don't swap places before the chequered flag is put behind their names.

Damn it.

It was a good race, but a place win would have been nice. Both cars finished right where they started, which is always better than losing positions, but still a little disappointing. The cars are put in parc-férme and I get up from where I sit and leave the garage to intercept Lando for media duties.

Before I can leave the garage I get held up by someone calling my name. "Lia, how are you?" I turn around to find Andreas smiling at me. "Great, I've been back home for a couple of days. That's always nice. How are you?" I respond politely as I shake his hand. "Good, good, yeah busy with work like always." He pulls me aside, so we don't block the pathway.

"Listen, I saw the rumours going around. I don't mind that you and Lando are together, that is none of my business. But I've gotten some questions this weekend regarding your relationship status and if any of the trouble will affect the team." I feel my cheeks burn in shame and anger. Shame of what it will do to the image of the team, but more anger towards those reporters who can't keep their nose out of private affairs.

"As a PR member yourself I assume you know how to handle it, but I urge you to deal with it one way or another. We can't afford any negative press about our drivers, especially after the news about Daniel leaving." I nod at him, but internally rolling my eyes. It's not my decision to let Daniel go and rumours will be spread always, nothing I can do about it. I don't say any of those things, but just put up a warming smile.

"Of course I will handle it and we are both very sorry. I assure you, Lando and I are doing great, there isn't any trouble. I will go talk to him right now and see how we can smooth things over with the media." He nods curtly and turns his attention back to the data from the race.

I take out my phone and text Lando to ask where he is.

I'm already waiting at the media pen

Aren't I a well raised boy

Don't ever say that again

But I'm proud of you. Omw.

Putting my phone away I walk towards the media pen and indeed find Lando waiting on the side. He has his racesuit still zipped up to his chin and his hair is a perfect post race coupe, with his curls sticking out to all sides. When I get closer I can even see the fained line of his balaclava still in his face. He is looking at his phone and doesn't see me approaching. I poke his side and he jolts up with a confused expression.

I laugh and grab his face between my hands pulling it towards me and laying my lips on his. When I do I hear the camera's flashing and I continue the kiss a little longer. That should put the rumours out that we had broken up. "It's not that I'm not glad to see you, but you know we are in front of all the media that surrounds the formula one right?" Lando searches my eyes for an explanation and I shake my head at him. "Later." He nods understandingly and we walk over to the media.

"You had a great day, are grateful for the team effort and don't go into detail about Daniel leaving. Same answers as last week, yes?" I debrief him quickly before stepping into the pen. "I really had a great day, it was a good drive." He always defends my statements by saying it's the truth. Sometimes I believe them, like now. He looks content and puts up a smile for the camera's as he makes his rounds.

"We see your press officer walking with you and it's common knowledge that you two are dating. Any comment about the rumours going around that wouldn't be the case anymore?" Rude. Just plain rude. I can't help my mouth falling open. How can someone ask something so blund? It has nothing to do with his race and it is even disrespectful to pry like that into our personal life.

Lando's fist ball into fist but by a miracle he keeps his calm. He fakes his most slimey smile before answering the man. "My personal life doesn't affect my racing ability. We did great today and so did the team. I am thankful for everything they give me." I hide my snickering as a cough behind my hand. He is a master at these interviews, always staying the happy goofball that is his image. He nods at the reporter before walking over to me.

"Please tell me that was the last one, I want to take you back to the hotel." He whispers in my ear. I feel goose bumps travel up my arms as my neck hairs stand straight up from his warm breath against my skin. That kiss earlier left me unsatisfied and we still have a lot of catching up to do. I smirk at him and nod. "Luckily I can decide when you're done and I decide you are. I need to grab my stuff from the PR room. Meet you in the car?"

He nods and with a last wink walks away from the media pen. I follow after him and we split at the hospitality. The PR room is upstairs and I climb the steps to quickly grab my bag. When I come down again I rush through the doors to head towards the private parking area. Because of my speed I am not looking where I'm going and before I know it I fall down to the ground.

I groan as I try to stand up. "You should look where you're going Lia, one day someone will hit you too hard and you won't get up again." The laugh in Max' voice is very clear and I make a face at him as he helps me up from the ground." Hopefully not one of the cars or I'll be screwed."

He laughs at my lame joke. "Why the rush anyway? Anything to do tonight?" I shake my head at the Dutch driver. "No, I just need to get back to Lando." My answer is quite vague, but Max doesn't need to know the details of our doings.

"Ah, of course. I'm glad you two worked things out. I was worrying that you two actually broke up." Max smiles at me, but I am confused by his remark. "Why would we break up?"

"Well with the time apart and you guys not talking and then after he-" Now I even get irritated, because it was nothing more. Did Lando complain to him about my hesitation? I interrupt him not hearing the last of his sentence. "It wasn't a big deal. I just needed time to think about moving in with him. And he said he was okay with it, did he tell you something else?"

Max's expression changes to the face of someone who has said something he shouldn't have. He stutters a bit of nonsense before being clear again. "Uhm, no. Of course not. I just knew you needed time, he didn't go into detail." His smile returns, not quite reaching his eyes. "I think it's great you're moving in together. Kelly and I will come by during the break, but I need to go now. See ya!" He waves at me when he quickly walks towards the Red Bull motorhome.

That was weird. I shrug at the actions of the Dutchman and let it glide by me. I don't want to go doubting Lando over some weird behaviour of Max. It's not worth it. I just want to get to London and start packing, but we first fly to Italy again.

I am excited to go back to Italy. The weather, the food and probably Charlotte will be there too. Italy always has something romantic about it that just ads to the whole atmosphere around the race weekend.

I am still daydreaming about next week when I reach the parking lot. I look around, trying to spot the rental Lando uses. Instead I see my boyfriend himself leaning against it. I walk up to him with a smile and when I reach him take his phone from his hands.

"Hey, I was working on that!" He tries to get it back but I hold it behind me. "Lia, give me my phone." He nags when I dodge his attempts to get it from me. "First payment." I smile at him and purse my lips. He laughs and comes close enough to kiss me tenderly. He lays his arms around my waist and I sink into the feeling of our lips moving together. I forget my hands behind my back and tick with my tongue against his bottom lip to ask for entrance. Lando takes advantage of this moment to grab his phone from my hands and pulls away quickly.

I sigh and roll my eyes when he already gets into the car. The door opens from the inside and I am met with his grinning face. "Let's go, I want to continue this as soon as we can."


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