Drugs and Lanterns

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Tubbo's last drug dealer got caught, so he had to go look for a new guy. Though he knew how to make some drugs, he didn't grow weed and he didn't have supplies to make anything. He had spotted a dude who was recommended to him from one of the 'friends' he had. They weren't really his friends, just people who knew who had the good stuff and some were nice enough to watch your stuff when you went out to buy some as long as you returned the favor. Some even shared food and supplies, but he wasn't here to think about how drug addicts could be nice sometimes, he was here for his own drugs.

He followed the dude into the alley, the shady guy knew what Tubbo was there for. When they were alone the dude turned around, he had a weird smiley face mask on, it was kind of freaky. His attire was all some shade of green, and very warm for the hot summer weather. The masked man extended an arm towards Tubbo, in his hand he held a lantern. "Take it.." The man said, Tubbo huffed, "I'm not here to buy a lantern-"

The masked man just sighed, "It's free, just fucking take it, it's a pain in my ass!" he whisper yelled, and Tubbo just rolled his eyes, "I want drugs, a lantern is nice, but that's not what I came here for." He stated, growing a little upset. "I'll give you some weed! Just take the stupid lantern!" He said take out a small bag of weed. "Deal." Tubbo said, taking the lantern and the bag. "So how m-... much..." He said, but the masked guy was already running out of there.

Well that was weird, but, hey, I got free weed! Tubbo thought as he hid the weed and walked back to his place. He walked a few miles to get to the dude, so he had to walk a few miles to get back. An hour later he was close to his place, but someone just had to interrupt his nice walk home. "Heyyy Tubso!" Said the person as they walked into view. "What the hell do you need, Schlatt?" Tubbo asked, he and Schlatt were not on the best terms, scratch that, Tubbo hated Schlatt. Schlatt was bad news for Tubbo, he wasn't some homeless druggie like most of the people Tubbo knew, Schlatt was a very successful business man - he mostly scammed people - and he had decided his punching bag would be Tubbo. He decided Tubbo was the perfect little punching bag because he thought Tubbo was just some homeless, lonely, dirty, unimportant, drug addicted, alcoholic, short, skinny, underfed, defenseless, orphaned teen. Okay well maybe those things are true, but that isn't the point. "What's that lantern you got there, some night light because you're scared of the dark~?"

"Shut up, it's not a night light! It's just some weird thing a drug dealer insisted I take from him.." Tubbo said angrily, "Hmmmm, well then I'll just take it, how about that?" Schlatt suggested smirking. "Wha- No! It's mine! It looks nice!" The teen said, "I mean why do you even need it?" Schlatt asked, approaching the small teen. Tubbo was beginning to grow fearful, it was getting later into the night, he hated being out of his area when it was dark. "It- It looks cool?" Tubbo said unsure of himself, Schlatt just hummed and got closer, Tubbo could almost feel the man's alcohol tainted breath, "Would be a shame if someone, I don't know, broke it?" The man said smiling, there was no warmth in his smile, it was cold, but not as cold as his heart. Tubbo swallowed, a nervous chuckle escaping the boy's mouth.

Schlatt grabbed the wrist of the hand holding onto the lantern and held it up, making the startled boy drop the lantern. Tubbo stared at the now broken lantern as Schlatt let go of his hand, "Look what you did! You dropped it, now there's a bunch of broken glass everywhere!" The man said, "Well I should probably get going! Bye Tubbo, see you later." Schlatt began walking past Tubbo. Tubbo turned around, Schlatt didn't know where he lived and he'd rather keep it that way. Tubbo stared in horror as a tall skinny creature came out of nowhere, it stood behind Schlatt.


It grabbed his back and impaled the man's chest with its arm, Tubbo's body was frozen in place as his mind screamed for him to run, the monochrome monster held the man's heart in its hand. It ripped its arm from the corpse's chest. The body had a bloody hole for a chest now, the monster threw the man's heart to the concrete and stomped on it, then the thing turned to Tubbo.


The monster approached the shaking teen, Tubbo began to back up, but tripped on the metal of the lantern. He yelped as the broken shards dug into his palms when he caught his fall. The creature bent down and Tubbo began to cry as he stared at the half black half white monster's green and red eyes. The monster looked away from Tubbo's eyes to the teen's tear covered cheek's. "Do-don't cry, I'm s-sorry, didn't m-mean to scare you!" The creature said, his hands meeting Tubbo's cheeks as he wiped the scared boy's tears. "Pl-please calm down! D-did Dream give you m-my, um, my lantern? I didn't th-think I was that h-hard to handle!" The creature glanced at Tubbo's eyes, and he realized it wanted an answer. "U-um, a masked guy g-gave me it, it's, uh, it's, um, broken now, big man. Sorry.." Tubbo said lifting up his bleeding hands to the monster's hands that rested on his cheeks, he attempted to push the thing's hands away but was unsuccessful.

"You d-didn't break my lantern on p-purpose!? Oh my XD!! I'm so s-sorry! Was that your f-friend!? I'm supposed to p-protect the person who o-owns my lantern!! I- I didn't kn-" The monster looked so guilty, so Tubbo interrupted it, "N-no! He was awful... Thank you. I didn't know what the l-lantern was... um we sh-" Now it was the creature's turn to interrupt, "YOU'RE BLEEDING!?!?!" The thing's tail twitched as it picked Tubbo up, Tubbo let out a small yelp in surprise. "Where do you live!?" It asked and Tubbo pointed at a nearby alley. The thing rushed over to the alley and placed Tubbo on a broken mattress that was covered in dirty blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. "Do you have any bandages?" The thing asked, Tubbo shook his head. The monster hummed and looked thoughtfully at the ground before approaching Tubbo, it grabbed one of the boy's hands and Tubbo flinched as it carefully removed the glass. "Well s-since you don't know what th-the lantern was would you like me to, um, me to explain everything to you?" It asked, "Yeah, that would be nice." Tubbo responded.

"Well my name is Ranboo! I am bound to the person who, um, owns the lantern, I was stuck in the lantern until you broke it. I am also bound to you until you, uh, trap me in a new lantern and give it to someone else. I am now basically your, um, yooouurr, uhhh, what's the English word for it... aha! I'm basically your personal bodyguard! I can also bound myself to you forever, making you immortal, but, uh, that's up to you! The max number of people I can bound myself to forever is, uh, I don't really remember how that works. Oh! Also, I age slower, but mentally and physically I'm at the same stage of life as you! If I forever am bound to you, you'll age like me! How about you, uh,you tell me about yourself!" Ranboo says happily, Tubbo's hands are now glass free and the cuts are starting to bleed less.

"Well, um, my name is Tubbo, I'm 16 and, um, that's about it, I'm really not that interesting.." Tubbo says looking at a bee plush, it's a bit ripped and very dirty. Ranboo hums and smiles, the smaller boy yawns. "Oh! You look tired, you should go to sleep! I'll make sure you're safe while you sleep!" Ranboo says happily, Tubbo lays down "Thanks Ranboo..." He mumbles as he curls up on his broken mattress.


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