Hugs and family

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Tubbo wakes up to see Ranboo staring at him. He screams, Ranboo spins around and gets into a defensive position before he turns back around after seeing nothing out of the ordinary. He tilts his head, confused why Tubbo screamed. "It wasn't a dream... FUCK! I forgot to put away the weed I got-" Tubbo said, sitting up quickly. He dug through his pockets and found his definitely very well hidden bag of weed to be gone, "DAMMIT!" Tubbo said, to say he was pissed would be an understatement. "Welp I have to go out for food anyways." "Can I come?" Ranboo asked, Tubbo sighed before responding, "People will see you, most people aren't like me and they'll not like you."

"I'm, um, what's the word- oh yeah, invisible! Yep, I'm invisible to everyone but you!" Ranboo says happily, "What's your first language, I'm guessing english isn't it?" Tubbo asks while searching for his money, he hides it wherever his high ass head thinks is fit at the moment. "Mhmm, it's ender, that's what Dream called it!" Ranboo said, he fidgets with paw-like hands while he waits.

Tubbo sighs, "Well, can you help me pick-pocket? I don't think I'm gonna get much with 5 dollars." "Isn't that illeg-" "shhhhhhhhh", Tubbo puts a finger on Ranboo's lips in a way to shush him. "I don't help do illegal things-" Ranboo said, and Tubbo groaned. "I don't have much money, I guess you want me to starve!" Ranboo just sighed, "Fine, I'll help." Tubbo celebrated his little victory.

"Let's go then! I can probably get some other stuff while we're out!" Tubbo says putting his fake ID in his pocket. Ranboo sighed again, Tubbo began walking. "Come on bigman, let's go." Ranboo walked with him. Tubbo looked over and saw Schlatt's corpse a few feet away. "Oh, fuck, I forgot about his corpse..." Tubbo said, wrinkling his nose due to the disgusting smell the man's corpse was emitting. "Don't worry, only you and I can see what really happened, everyone else will think it was a heart attack." Ranboo stated as they walked past it.


Tubbo stopped and just stared at the man's corpse, it was covered in blood. Its ribs were broken and they jutted out of his chest. What used to be his heart was just a lump of bloody mush on the sidewalk. Tubbo looked at the corpse's unseeing eyes, they were unfocused and glazed over, they reminded Tubbo of marbles. The boy felt sick as he stared at the body, Tubbo grabbed his stomach and wretched on the sidewalk. He may have hated Schlatt, but he wouldn't wish this much harm upon the man. Tubbo glanced back at the body, despite his mind screaming for him to run away.


Ranboo covered Tubbo's eyes and walked him away from the corpse; he luckily didn't get any barf on himself. "You okay?" Ranboo asked, uncovering the boy's eyes when the corpse was a few feet away. "Yeah, I'm- I'm good, let's just go." Tubbo said, walking forward. Ranboo just nodded and followed, "I'm surprised that it's still there," Tubbo said and Ranboo nodded again, "I thought it wou-"

"Where are you going?" said a new voice. Tubbo turned around, "Hey, Quackity, you running away from the cops again?" he said half joking. "No, not this time, did Schlatt have a heart attack or something?" Quackity asked. Quackity isn't homeless, but isn't the most likable dude. "Heart attack I'm pretty sure." Tubbo responded, "About time he died, I'll take credit for it, don't have anything better to do and why not take credit for killing some rich, well known, business man!"

Tubbo smiled, "Yeah, you do that, don't drag me into that villain shit though." Quackity smirked "I'd neveeerrrrr do that, at least not to you." he chuckled a bit before he switched to a more serious look. "Is something wrong, Quackity?" Tubbo asked, "Listen, Tubbo, there's a new hero, his name's Theseus I think, but he's been arresting people in possession of drugs and shit. Just be careful, alright?" Quackity said, his words laced with worry. "I will, and you stay safe as well. Don't go and get arrested on me." Quackity laughed at Tubbo's response, "I'm not planning on getting arrested anytime soon. I should get going now, stay safe!" He said walking towards Schlatt's corpse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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