15th Star: The Christmas Party Part 2

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~I mean, sure she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful.'-Percy Jackson on Annabeth Chase~ dedicated to House of Hades, I was heart broken alright!

Anna's POV

As we descending from the stairs. Oh my god, there are so many people. I literally can't breath, I think I can die of nervousness. I'm not used to people staring at me like I'm showcasing myself. Is my posture all right? Does wavy hair looks weird on me? Do I looked tensed? Thousands and thousands of things swimming in my mind. As we reached the bottom, Yoora unnie whispers to me. 'Have fun, don't be shy. Have some confidence.' and leave me standing alone in front of the crowds. I scanned and spot 'Spock' which is a huge relief for me to see a familiar face. Wow, he looks so shocked to see me and he left his mouth hanging. I laughed a little as I felt the my nervousness is slowly going away. He looks dashing with a classic black suit and tie. He dyed his hair into purple and silver which I didn't realize, maybe he just dyed this morning. Plus his height made him stood out from the crowd.

I then wink and shoot a love bullet to him as I'm feeling quite cheeky. I didn't know his presence can made me feel at ease. He then spoke a few words to the girls around him and walk up to me. He's smirking uncontrollably. Oh god, what should I do? I shouldn't have done that, okay act cool. Act cool. 'Hey, what's up?' I said awkwardly. 'You look beautiful.' Chanyeol shyly complements me. Wait, did he just said I'm beautiful?! He looks so red right now, his hand is rubbing the back of his neck indicating the awkwardness surrounding us. Then some all the EXO member came and said I look different. 'Hey, Anna. You looks smoking hot tonight.' Kris sudden appearance snaps us out into the reality. 'Well, thanks for noticing. Er, I'm going to grab something to drink.' as I turned, Kris grabbed my hand which gives me a shock. 'Don't, you wait here. I'll get it for you.' and he winks at me. Oh wow, now that I looked pretty and you make a move on me. Jerk face~ I shake my head slightly and noticed that Spock is still standing there, sulking?!

'Er, are you okay?' I asked. He clears his throat, 'It's nothing.' he said. Then Kris came back with a red cocktail for me 'It's red, it suits the dress you're wearing.' 'Er....Thanks?' and I accepted his drinks. 'Wait, this is alcohol right? I'm a teetotaler. I never drank alcohol before.' I pointed at the drinks. 'Hahaha, it's okay. Chill, it's only a few percent of alcohol. Cheers.' Kris said and our glasses clink. 'Don't drink it because you're new to these.' Spock grabbed my glass. 'Just a sip.' I take back my glass. It tastes weird maybe it's my first time and it definitely tastes like cough medicine. 'Pff....Your face is funny.' Spock pointed out. I stick out my tongue and shut my eyes tightly indicating it's sucks. 'Yuck!' I said. 'Welcome to the cool world.' Kris said. 'Thanks but no thanks.'I replied.

'I think I'm going to grab something to eat. Excuse me.' I said and walk towards the food table. There are so many things to eat, this is by far the most happy moment I had today. I picked up some miniature cupcake to eat, taste good. While I tried to wolf down another one, suddenly Tao's face appear out of nowhere. I almost chocked. 'You scared me! What the hell?!' and I jokingly slapped his shoulder. 'Sorry, sorry. I can't help but teased you.' he laughs. Then the music stops, 'Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my Christmas party. And now it's the time for couple dance. Gentlemen, you can start by asking the ladies beside you.' Unnie announced. What? A dance?! I even know how to dance?!

Then Tao offers his hand, 'May I?' his eyes watches me sweetly. 'Er, I don't know how to dance.' I said. 'It's okay. Just follow my steps. Come on, it'll be fun.' he said as his hand still waiting for my answer. I looked around and I see Spock is watching me while surrounded by girls. His eyes watch me pleadingly, don't. I momentarily froze. I turned and looked at Tao, I want to say no. But I can't seem to reject his offer so I accept his hand. He leads me to the center of the hall to joins the others. One of his hand placed on my back while another still holding my hand. 'Relax. Don't be nervous, just follow my lead okay?' he said and I silently nodded. At first, I kept stepping on his foot as he winched but then I slowly get the hang of it. 'You did great. Now just look at me.' he said and I blushed. I tried to look at him a few times but I keep looking out for Spock. I don't know why, the way his eyes looked at me earlier makes me felt guilty. Then I saw him standing at the corner watching me sadly, it breaks my heart a little. 'Erm, Tao. Thank you for the dance. I felt a bit dizzy, I think I need a rest for awhile.' I said. 'Sure, no problem.' he replied. I walk away from the dance floor, grabbed the nearest drinks and drank it. Then I walk straight up to Spock.

'Are you not feeling well? Is something wrong?' I asked. He glared at me. 'Something wrong?' he chuckles without a sense of humor. 'You know exactly how I felt towards you. Don't you get it? Or are you trying to make me feel worst while dancing with Tao?!' he raised his voice a bit higher but luckily the music is too loud for everyone to hear. I starting to feel a bit dizzy so I grabbed his hand and head outside. Thank god he obey, I wouldn't want a fight to break out in front of everybody.

Chanyeol's POV

I felt angry as I'm followed her outside. It was snowing but it didn't calm down my anger. She leads us to the back yard and turns her face towards me. 'I don't know what you meant. Do you know how I felt when you're staring at me like that?! What's with that kiss and back hug when we're at the cinema which confused me. One moment you're so sweet to me and then boom!!! Who the hell do you think you're messing with my life?!' She shouted.

She was confused?! Conf...!! Is she stupid or something?! I'm trying to say I like you! You stupid girl! As I'm about to say something. She hiccups, I didn't realise her face is turning red. 'Are you drunk?' I asked. 'Cold....' and she hiccups. 'Wait here, I go grabbed something for you to wear.' And I left her standing alone in the back yard. I quickly grabbed mine and Kris's coat and ran back. I used my coat to cover her shivering shoulders and I wear Kris's. She still hiccups every now and then, believe me it's cute. And she seems drunk, like very drunk. They said most people tells their true feeling when they are drunk so I asked 'Anna, answer me honesty. How do you felt toward me?' She looked at me for a sec and she kicks me in the calf.

I winced and bent down a bit while holding spot that she just kicks. I seriously didn't see that coming. She got a great strength for a short kid. 'Are you crazy?!' I said and she puts her hands over my neck and pull me closer till our forehead touched. I froze. Our glaze locked, she looks so beautiful under the moonlight while some snow cover her hair and eyelashes. Then her hands slide down and cup my cheeks, her fingers are cold as she is touching my face. 'If you want to know so bad, I'm sending them to you.' She said and hiccups. 'Do.30%.do.40%....' she said cutely. 'Pff, really? You're so cute right now.'I whisper. 'I'm always cute if you hadn't noticed.' she said and hiccups while keep a straight face. Believe me, I know. 'do.80%do.90%do.100%.Loading' she said and give me a peck on my cheeks. 'Done.' She smiles and slowly close her eyes and rest her head on my chest. I thought she was giving me a warm hug instead she's snored?!

How could you fall asleep after saying some sort of love confession to a handsome man like me?! What a wonderful Christmas gift, god. I sighed and looked at her pretty face, I chuckle a bit and placed a light kiss on her forehead. 'Sweet dreams.' I whisper and piggyback her to my room.

**Hey, sorry for the wait. If you're following me on Instagram you'll know I was reading House of hades which I can't put it down until I've finish it yesterday. It was so devastating when Percy said hello to the stars for Bob. But anyway happy reading. VOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW ME on Twitter @iamwhoiam, Instagram @pigletssonatastar and Tumblr @ilovemusicpixie (Mysterious yet Exciting) **

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