Vasto Jaune part 2

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J: Alright guys, does anyone of you remember the first reality?

Salem (Fangirl mode and star eyes): Yes i do, its the most sexy looking form of him beating this humanoid bat and is seemingly unstoppable, ah~, just thinking about that makes me blush and wet...

Almost everyone flinches remembering the demon form of Jaune and some are staring to shake in fear while Cinder, Raven, Bleiss and Neo agree with Salem.

Cardin: I dont know what you are talking about, as i didnt see it.

Ozpin (slightly shaking): Then you truly were lucky to not see this version of Mr. Arc...

Cardin: What, Jauney boy, the loser of beacon, please i could beat him with ease...

Qrow: No you wont... can i have some more booze for that so i can drink myself into a coma J?

Ruby: Can i join uncle Qrow?

Yang/Qrow: NO!/Sure...

Raven: Does anyone have a dildo?

Neptune (flirting): You can have mine~

Raven: I dont take small dicks from boys...



Saffron (blushing madly while covering Adriens ears): NOT INFRONT OF CHILDREN!!!

J: What size?

Raven: The size of my future husband...

Cinder: Your future husband?! If anything he would be My future husband!

Salem: Please, what he need is a Woman in his life, not some children.

Bleiss (💢): Wanna say that again you old hag?!

J: Put your little skirmish aside, im gonna show you the reality, also in this reality, Jaune went to hell to save his sister Saffron from the prisoner, that is someone you wouldnt expect, who took her down to the second deepest part of hell.

We see Jaune running in the second deepest part of Hell, his clothing consists in a black and red outlined long sleve jacked, a black shihakusho and a black odachi like blade with a small chain in the end of the hilt, with him are his friends, Weiss Schnee, fuka-taicho of the 13th division, Mercury, fuka-taicho of the 6th division and Watts, the last Quincy.

Coco: I like the clothing...

Raven: Very nice body he's got there...

Salem (Drooling): Come to mama my sweet boy and let me take your virginity.

Pyrrha: His V-card is mine to take!

Cinder: Not if i have to say a word too Nikos.

Watts: What exactly is a Quincy if i may ask...

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