Jaune Ramsay

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Everyone was talking to one another and some really hope the next reality they are going to watch is not a more darker one.

Ruby: Why is every possible reality we watch a dark one where he either becomes a Demon or dies.

Yang: I dont know Ruby, but i hope that the next one is one where he is in at least the military.

Nora: How about a Chef.

J: Then your lucky, introducing Jaune Ramsay.

Everyone got exited of this reality, because of Jaune being a Chef.

We see Jaune standing there, dressed as a Chef, "Chop, chop, lets go, lets go," said Jaune a bit angry, making hand sighns to hurry up. "Whats so fucking complicated about one order of Mac n' Cheese." yelled Jaune, really pissed at the Crews laziness. "Pick up the pase Barney." said Jaune to lilia, who turned around and gave him the finger. "Oh yeah, real mature yeah, keep that finger up, i could make a good stew out of it!" said Jaune angrily to her, "Can someone tell me where the Cinamon is!" asked Jaune, not in the mood for missing ingridience, "Here you go." said Cinder presenting Ruby to him, "Hi." said Ruby to Jaune "You fucking strawberry, i said Cinamonroll the ingridient, not Cinamonroll the product!" Cinder was a bit scared of him after that, "No wonder your adopted" muttered Jaune to himself, not liking the behavior of Cinder, he was standing there with his arms crossed and watched them as they made the meal, a chibi version of Blake walked towards him and said "Hey Jaune, i made you some cookies." Jaune took one and ate it, "Very good Blake" said Jaune and petted her, "What are you!" asked Jaune and Ruby awnsered with a cinamonroll, Jaune then yeeted her to the trashcan and yelled at her that she is wrong and disposable, "Where is the lamb sauce!" yelled Jaune "Im trying the best as i can chef, just give it some ti-" said Tyrian and Jaune interrupted him with the same question, "Right here Mr. Ramsay." said Cinder with Ruby in her arms and ran away, "Uhm, hello again" "Bring Ruby to me again and i make more then just fucking lamb sauce out of her," threatened Jaune and Ruby got scared, "For someone who can do anything, that must be the ability to be an incompetent, worthless cook," said Jaune and Tyrian got a bit mad, "You got me there old pal" "Oh is this entertaining to you, is it" said Jaune to Tyrian and laid his hands on Tyrian's shoulders "Well guess what, in this kitchen IM THE ONE WHO CAN DO ANYTHING, NOW MAKE THAT MAC N' CHEESE!"  yelled Jaune and shook Tyrian and yeeted him in the trashcan next to the one he threw Ruby in, "For Oums sake, where is the stupid butter." asked Jaune to himself really pissed at the unorginazation of the restaurant, Ruby who had butter in her hand walked to Jaune saying, "Here you go Chef-" "I SWEAR TO OUM CINDER!" yelled Jaune and grabed a knife and was ready to end a certain Rose, "You know what, fuck it, i do it myself and im gonna make Sienna look like a Tiger in a cage!" and started to make the meal in insane speeds and questions himself if he is starting to understand Tyrian, meanwhile outside of the kitchen sits Salem and heard every single word, "I just want some Mac n' Cheese." said Salem and the screen turned black.

No one said anything.

Salem: Welp, him as a Chef is interesting.

Saffron: Its actualy our Jaune but a different name.

Arcs: Yep

To be continued...

(Inspiration: Roulx Ramsay)

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