Lord of Light

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The sceen showed nothing, a vast emptyness inside a dark void, no wind, no air and most of all, no light.

Qrow: Now thats unsettiling

J: Well, in that reality, you are about to wittness something no soul did.

Salem: And what pray tell is it?

J: For that to show, i have to bring two people here you absolutely hate.

J (somehow) snaped his (nonexistend) fingers and two persons appeared, they both look male and almost human, they both glow a respective purple and yellow colour and they both possess horns, the yellow one has antlers (Deer antlers at that) and the Purple one has Goat horns on his head, these are the Brothers of Light and Dark, Salem saw them and exploded in rage no one saw.


BoD: Nice to see you too sunshine...

BoL: Be nice brother, now why are we here?

J: Take a seat and you see why.

BoD: Got nothing better to do anyway so...

The two brothers took a seat and the screen continued...

Suddenly, a blinding light appeared and in the center of it, was a Dragon, a golden dragon composed of golden light and golden crystals...

Suddenly, a blinding light appeared and in the center of it, was a Dragon, a golden dragon composed of golden light and golden crystals

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(Picture belongs to its true owner and who ever you are that created this, i love ya)

Everyone was in awe at this being, even the two Brother Dicks- err Gods were shocked.

Salem: What a Magnificent being, it screams God and unrivaled power.

BoD: Hate to say it but, i dont think even my brother and i can even be near its presence and suffer no consequences.

Ozpin: What is its name, if it even has one...

Weiss: As interesting and godly this being is, what does it have to do with the dolt?

Salem: She does bring a god question, what does it have to do with our Jaune?

Cinder: My Lady, i think this IS Jaune, or at least a version of it.

BoL: Ah, we are reacting to different versions of my chosen one right?

Bleiss: He is not your chosen one dickhead...

J: You are right Cinder, this IS Jaune's true form, once his light returned.

Ren: What do you mean with 'Once his light returned'?

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