Ascended descension

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(Warning: this has a bit of my own Twist to it, if you dont like it then please notify me of it.)

Everyone was looking at the Arcs and wonder if that is really true.

J: I have another reality for you.

Nora: Oh is it a reality where he is a Skeleton that has holes in his hands and is fighting against a version of Professor Goodwitch that absorbed four relicts to try and beat him because he is just too strong for her and is still not able to beat him because of his ability to alter reality itself and brutaly murders her to the point where she is only a skeleton?

Goodwitch meanwhile gives Nora the death glare of all death glares.

Goodwitch meanwhile gives Nora the death glare of all death glares

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J: How...

Some of the audience were flinching when she said holes because of the Vasto Lorde reality of Jaune while the Bad girls just got horny again.

Cinder: What are the abilitys of this Jaune?


Salem: Then i cant wait to see that. And teach him on how to properly use it.

Ozpin: Now this is Interesting.

Qrow: With a wand or incantations.

J: A different kind of Magic.

We see a black screen when suddenly the voice of Jaune came, "What was the moment, when everything went wrong?"

Qrow: Oof, what a gloomy start.

Ruby: What happened, why is Jaune so sad.

Weiss: Its not sadness... its anger.

Cardin: Puh- lease he is just pathetic.

Ozpin: I have a bad feeling about this...

Salem: Me too...

"Was it when we met her?" the screen changed to a younger version of Goodwitch and she smiles innocently. "Or the moment where we made peace with the Humans and Faunus?"

Yang: Wait, he said we as in, he is not a Human or Faunus, then, what is he?

J: Grimm.

Ozpin: WHAT?

Salem: Now thats Interesting.

The screen shows a picture of Salems inner circle and Jaune in the middle of them looking towards the sunset with Cinder and Jaune holding hands "Or was the mere fact of our existence more than enough?" the screen turns black and changes to a scene of a very wounded Adam carried away by an equally wounded Jacques and Adam beginns to tear up.

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