Main Title/ "Two Worlds"

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Talking aloud to self

Phil Collins Singing

As our story begins, we see a small baby girl being held by a woman. Her name is Alice Clayton. Walking beside the two is a man. He's John Clayton, Alice's husband, and the young baby's father. John carries the suitcases for their first family vacation. In front of the young couple rests a cruise ship. The ship will be leaving from Britain and traveling down the Atlantic Ocean. Together the couple walk up the ramp to board the ship, excited for the trip ahead of them. Once on deck John scans for the captain, Henry. He sees the captain standing off to the side giving orders to a few crew members.

John: Henry!

Henry turns to see who called out to him. His gaze lands on his old friend. He waves off the crew he was talking to before walking over to John. Henry calls out happy to see John.

Henry: John!

John sets down the suitcase in his right hand. Henry extends his hand to shake John's now empty right hand. Alice stands close by John holding their daughter with a smile on her face.

Henry: Glad to see you could make it John!

John: It's good to see you as well Henry.

Henry releases John's hand before turning to Alice and kissing both of her cheeks in greeting. He pulls away and speaks up.

Henry: Alice! As beautiful as always. John's not causing you too much trouble, is he? (Henry jokes.)

Alice laughs at Henry's antics.

Alice: Of course not! (Alice playfully slaps Henry on the shoulder.) But I may have to have a talk with your wife. Does Sarah know of the pies that have gone missing from my windowsill? The same pies that I see you munching on when you pass by our house? (Alice looks to Henry knowingly.)

Henry lets out a boisterous guffaw.

Henry: Still has that fire in her I see. (He winks to John.) Just like when you two first met. But I must give my compliments to the chef. I can't help but snatch one when you bake. Now where's my Goddaughter? (Henry calls playfully scanning for the baby before leaning closer to Alice and smiling at the baby in her arms.) There she is! (Joan giggles up at her Godfather before cooing. Alice proceeds to hand her over to Henry.) Little one not causing too much trouble is she?

John places his right arm lovingly around his wife's waist allowing her to cuddle into his side. The two parents look at their daughter enrapture by her presence.

John: Alice and I have had our hands full since Joan came but we've never been happier.

Alice: She's the light of our lives.

Henry: Children will do that to you. Take it from me, I have three.

Alice: How you and Sarah managed to have twins the first time is beyond me. I had trouble with one.

Henry: Believe me, Sarah was not happy with me about that, but we love them all the same. Wait until you have your second.

John: That'll be a bit before then, but we've discussed it.

A voice calls out interrupting the conversation.

Crew member: Captain!

Henry looks back and sees that he is needed.

Henry: It looks like I'll have to be off now. (He passes Joan back to Alice.) It was good catching up with you. I hope you enjoy the trip. (Henry leans down and kisses Joan on the forehead.) Bye Angel. Be good for the ol' mum and da will ya? (Joan coos up at Henry.) Farewell for now John, Alice.

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