Baby Tantor/Piranha

470 9 1

Normal speech


Talking aloud to self

Phil Collins Singing

Down below, Tarzana continues swimming underwater as she makes her way to the elephant herd. The elephants, meanwhile, are talking in the water. All except for one. It is a small male elephant, named Tantor, looking at the water in fear.

Tantor: Mom, are you sure this water's sanitary? It looks questionable to me. (He barely touches the water with his hindleg before shaking off the little that came onto his foot. His mother calls from the middle of the water to him.)

Tantor's Mother: It's fine, honey.

Trusting his mother he gets in but is still skeptical of it.

Tantor: Yecch! But what about bacteria?

Tantor's Mother: Tantor, can't you see Mommy's talking?

Tantor inches closer, but he gasps as he sees something swimming towards the group of elephants. He then runs to where all the elephants are talking.

Tantor: Watch out! There's something swimming! It's coming right at you! (He tugs on his mom's trunk.)

Tantor's Mother: Honey, Mommy's losing her patience.

Tantor: But this time, I really see something!

Tantor's Mother: Oh boy. (Tantor then sees the creature pop up from the water behind one of the elephants.)

Tantor: Piranha! It's a piranha! (He hugs his mom's leg in fear.)

Tantor's Mother: Sweetheart, there are no piranhas in Africa.

Tantor's Father: Shh, don't tell the kid that. Of course, there are piranhas in Africa.

Intellectual Elephant: No, she's right. They're native to South America.

Tantor's Father: Get out of here. (He responding to the smart elephant.)

While the adult elephants argue about piranhas being in Africa or not, Tarzana leaps from the water trying to get a hair from one of their tails. Tantor sees this and attempts to get the adults attention once more.

Tantor: Aah! It's right behind you! Run!

Tantor's Mother: For the last time, honey, there are no piranhas in--

Tantor's Father: MY BUTT!!

Tarzana is seen hanging on Tantor's father's tail. He runs around the water in 'pain'.

Tantor: I told you!

The rest of the elephants huddle together to form a protective circle.

Tantor's Father: There's something on my butt!

Various elephants: What is it? Are there any more of them?

While the elephant continues running around in 'pain', Tarzana slips off of his tail, sending her flying into the water, shrieking.

Tantor: It's a piranha!

The other elephants alike, fearfully look around to see if there are any piranhas in front of them. However, Tarzana comes up from behind, gasping for air. As the elephants turn around, they see the girl's teeth and they presume one thing.

Herd: PIRANHA!!!!

Tantor's Mother: Tantor where are you?

They run off in horror, minus Tantor. Tarzana dodges herself away from the herd until she gets knocked unconscious in the water. Terk, Mungo and Flynt look on in shock as they are now by the water.

Flynt: She's dead. (He says sadly feeling partially guilty for letting her go after the hair.)

The elephants stampede towards the young gorillas. Flynt and Mungo gasp at seeing the elephants heading straight towards them. They shout in fear.

Flynt & Mungo: We're dead! (They swiftly make a run for it. Terk grabs onto a nearby vine and swings to a branch while Flynt and Mungo keep running to the gorilla termite feeding area.)

Back in the jungle, everyone else is eating termites until they hear some shrieking. They see the two young male gorillas running by in fear. The two call out their defense as they don't stop running.

Flynt: We didn't do it! Aah!

Mungo: They're the ones!

But before any of the adult gorillas can respond, they hear some more noises and turn to see the elephant herd running at the two kids. Everyone freaks out and runs to safety. Kerchak jumps to the side for protection until he hears a gorilla screech. He turns and sees a baby gorilla crying for help, evading being trampled on. Kerchak jumps forward heading after the gorilla. Just as the baby is about to be crushed by the thunderous herd he pulls the baby out of the way in the nick of time. Soon the herd has left, but the termite mounds are wrecked. Thankfully everyone is alright. The baby's mother comes up to Kerchak. He hands her the baby. Grateful to him, she thanks him.

Gorilla's Mother: Oh, thank you, Kerchak!

Kerchak frowns as he turns to the path the elephants came from. Something tells him they didn't ruin their meal for no reason. A thought comes to Kerchak's head but waits a moment to see if his suspicions may be correct. Kala frantic upon not seeing Tarzana rushes to Zuri.

Kala: Zuri! Do you know where Tarzana is? I saw her running off with Terk earlier.

Kala speaks hurried. Her tone strong of worry. Zuri goes to calm her.

Zuri: I'm sure she's fine. Terk was supposed to join Flynt and Mungo at the cliff near the watering hole.

Kala: But Flynt and Mungo just ran through!

A look of fear crosses the two sisters faces. Understanding that their daughter might be in danger shakes them to the core. The two mother's run off toward the watering hole, hoping that both of their daughter's are okay. Kerchak sees the two leaving and goes to follow them. His suspicion morphing more into fact.


Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update and short. I had some finals to work on so I didn't have as much time to spend on writing. The next chapter will be longer. Until next time!

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