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i walk into my sons room opening the curtains and walking over towards his bed. "Ollie its time to wake up" I say rubbing his back in circles.

His eyes open eagerly "Its my first day of big school!" he shouts in a high tiny voice. "Yes it is! breakfast is ready, i lay out your outfit" i say laughing at how cute he was.

I enter the kitchen smiling at my husband "Luke our baby is going to school!" I say as i hug him. "Hes only going for half a day stop getting so emotional" He replies laughing at my emotional state.

"Oliver! your food is getting cold!" i semi yell as i see him sprinting down the stairs. "Oi! no running" Luke Says, "sorry daddy" Ollie replies which makes my heart melt.

after Oliver finished his breakfast we got into the car and headed to his school "Have a good day i love you so much baby" i say before kissing his head and giving him his lunch box.

i watch him go into the school, then leaving the car park and heading home to start work. ring ring i look down to see no caller ID so i ignore it.

as i got home and put my keys on the counter the no caller ID rang again. this time I picked up just incase it was Oliver calling from the school or Luke.

"Hello this is Viviane speaking who is this?" i say into the phone. "Hello this is Jessica with social services, i was wondering if i could come over and talk to you?" Jessica says making my stomach drop. "uh- Yes of course is everything okay?" my voice trembles. "ill explain everything when i get here, see you soon Mrs Davis" she ends the call leaving me alone with my thoughts.

20 minutes later someone rings the doorbell, i almost sprint to the door before opening it.  I see a middle aged woman with straight black hair and wearing a body suit. "Hi Jessica, why dont you come in?" i say while giving her a fake smile.

"thank you Mrs Davis now I need to ask you something" Jessica replies while we sit on opposite couches in the living room. "Go on" I say my voice trembling a little bit.

"has Sage contacted you?" Jessica asks tapping her foot inpaitently which starts to aggravate me but I was to busy trying to process what she had just asked. "Sorry no i havent seen Sage or Harper since i left them with their father when we split up-" feeling a lump in my throat start to form i decide to stop speaking.

"So you havent seen Sage or Harper in what? 12 years?" she asks looking a bit stunned. "yeah i was 21 and in over my head with two kids, i was at a bad stage in life, so i left them with their father who convinced me i wasnt good for them" i reply salty tears falling down my face as my heart began to ache.

"wait why are you here? did something happen to Tom? are they okay?" i ask before she could even reply. "im sorry mrs davis but Tom died in a car accident and the girls have been in foster care for 8 years.. and yesterday they went missing" Jessica said with no emotion, the way she said it was more as if it was routine.

"No- what?" is all i could get out while i began to sob realing my own children had probably went through hell when i was sitting here raising a different child. i felt guilt begin to flood me.

"Why the fuck wasn't i notified of some sort when Tom died? We had split custody!" i semi shouted inbetween sobs.
"im sorry mrs davis but it seemed you had abandoned them" she replies with a bitter tone.

Jessica began to get up and head for the front door "Could you please tell me when you find them? i want to see them" i say quickly before she leaves. "Mhm" jessica replies while on her phone and heading out of the door.

I texted my best friend if she could pick up Oliver from school and keep him for the night as i needed to talk to luke. i waited for 3 hours hearing the front door open and close.

"Luke we need to talk" i say my voice breaking. "whats wrong? did something happen to Ollie?" Luke replies as he looks at my puffy red face.

i patted the seat next to me for him to sit down, when he did i took a large breathe and began. "Before i met you i was married.. i was only 17 and I got pregnant which made my parents force me into the marriage" i look at Luke his mouth wide open but he didnt speak waiting for me to continue

"i had my first child 2006 she  was a beautiful baby girl, that was sage. i had spiralled into depression and was drinking all day.. but then just before Tom.. their father was going to leave me i got pregnant, in 2010 i had my second child, Harper she was only a few months old when i left. Tom divorced me and convinced me i was bad for our girls"

i start to cry the pain of thinking about them. i close my eyes waiting for Luke to start shouting. but instead i felt him wrap his arms around me.

"im not mad at you.. i just wish you would have told me sooner" he replies his voice so soft and calm. "thats not all of it though" i say breathing out and wiping my tears. "Tom died 8 years ago and nobody told me, which meant the girls went into foster care i found out today when their social worker came here" i say as Luke takes my hand in his.

"Ill stand by you no matter what, I love you and whatever you decide to do ill be right by you" he says giving me a small smile.

"their missing" i whisper, "they ranaway thats why Jessica their social worker was here she thought they had come looking for me" my voice cracks.

Luke rocks me back and forth before we go into more depth about what happened the night i left.

Posted- 21/6/22

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