Log#5: safe

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Its june 18 05:41 my birthday.

The power is going out in 08:00 so i am charging while writing.

Instead of new years resolution i have decided on just doing one for my birthday this year. As long as i stay 17. I want to actually DRAW a comic. And i will probably focus more on probably passing as more masculine so my mother wont find it hard to USE THE RIGHT FLIPPING PRONOUNS. also so I won't be called ning or nene while im walking down the street.
So yeah i guess ima start researching ways to masculinize my legs and probably attempt to work out to look less feminine.

Also try to find out ways to effectively bind my chest with the strapless binder i made. (Don't try to make one yourself please. I only made one for myself because my mom wont let me get one for myself. Even the mention of a binder makes her upset.) So yeh im gonna try learning how to pass on my birthday THEN move to drawing that comic probably on the same day.

See you when i get results i guess .

Demiboy from Marinduque XDWhere stories live. Discover now