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It was just another average day in the world of remnant however within 01 the beautiful day was ruined with the discovery of one of their citizens being murdered with in veil, with this the higher ups within 01 have come together to discuss the circumstances around his death.

"Starting incident report 1567.305 the murder of unit 8237 self designation sentinel." Said Unit 890.

"The crime scene shows that sentinel alongside Tukson was found murdered within Tukson's bookstore the cause of death was a combination of slashes, stabs, and gunshot wounds." Said Unit 890.

"Has there been any progress on the identity of the murderer or murderers?" Asked unit 605.

"Sadly most of the information was corrupted however we were able to get some grainy footage and some audio logs of the events leading up to and including the murder." Said unit 890.

"Good and what about our response to this?" Asked unit 605.

"We are currently looking through all databases to find the culprits." Said Unit 345.

"Good." Said Unit 605.

"Unit 605 I have further information that might help." Said Unit 890.

"What is the information Unit 890?" Asked Unit 605.

"Our most recent report from our Hunter units at Beacon academy has discovered that the white fang are working with Roman Torchwick." Said Unit 890.

"Odd why would the white fang a Faunus terrorist organization work with a human?" Asked Unit 605.

"It is unknown why he's working for them, however he seems to be in charge or at least high up on the chain of command." Said Unit 890.

"That's not all we believe the white fang are using Roman Torchwick to steal large quantities of dust for an unknown purpose are current leading theory is some sort of bomb or multiple bombs." Said Unit 345.

"Intriguing this requires further investigation and we need a new informant in the white fang." Said Unit 605.

"I may have the man for the job." Said Unit 345.

"Good, send in Black ops team 179 to deal with the white fang and contact our new informant." Said Unit 605.

It was the middle of the night in downtown Vail and notorious criminal Roman Torchwick was walking through the streets alongside him were six white fang goons as bodyguards however they weren't just out in the streets walking around they are heading towards a newly opened dust shop, cyber's dust shop was a newly opened dust store in downtown Vail.

Roman and his goons quickly made their way within the dust shop and quickly notice the owner of the shop behind the counter, Mr. cyber was a machine from 01 who decided to move to open up a small business however he wasn't expecting the notorious criminal Roman Torchwick and six terrorists coming into his shop.

"He...hello how may I help you?" Mr. Cyber asked..

"We're here for the dust all of it." said Roman Torchwick.

"Of...Of course, Have all of it." Said Mr. cyber terrified of the terrorists and wanted criminal.

"Pleasure doing business with you." Said Roman Torchwick.

With that Roman Torchwick and the six White fang members began to take every single piece of dust within the shop and before the night was over the shop was empty. Roman alongside the six White fang goons then made a quick getaway before the police could show up to stop them unbeknown to them they were being watched.

"This is silver one to silver two target has taken the bait. I repeat the target has taken the bait." Said an unknown figure watching the criminal and six goons.

Roman alongside the six goons made their way throughout the streets of downtown Vail weaving and dodging between the building so they wouldn't get caught however passing through an alley they were ambushed by six attackers, the six attackers went straight for the white fang goons leaving Roman enough time to run for it, but before he could do anything he felt something grasping around his left leg and before he could even run he felt a tough tug causing him to fall and before he could do anything else whatever was around his legs began to drag him away, Roman failed and fought as hard as he could against whatever had a hold of him, But no matter what he did it only made the situation worse and before he knew it he was out of the alleyway, The last thing he saw was the six White fang goons and the unknown attackers finishing them off.

Roman continued to fight against whatever had a hold of him however it continued dragging him throughout the alleyway until it pulled him into an abandoned warehouse where he was then lifted into the air upside down and faced his kidnapper, what he saw was a multi-red eyed monster made of metal with hundreds of tentacles all over it.

"Hello Mr. Roman we've been expecting you." said the metal monster.

"What...what do you want from me!?" Asked a terrified Roman.

"All we want to do is talk Mr. Roman." answered the metal monster.

Talk?! talk about what!?" Asked a terrified Roman.

"Quite a few things Mr. Roman but let's start with one at a time." Answered the metal monster.

The monster then held up another tentacle up to Romans face it, then projected a hologram of a machine in fancy flowing roads.

"Hello Mr. Roman I am unit 8115 self designation stalker, now with the pleasantries out of the way why are you working with the white fang Mr. Roman." Asked stalker.

"Why should I tell you!" Roman said with newfound bravery.

"Well besides the fact that the sentinel currently holding you could rip you limb from limb we also have something that you cherish." Answered stalker.

The sentinel then moves another tentacle that produces another hologram showing around 10 humanoid machines pointing their guns at a familiar ice cream themed girl.

"Neo!?, what do you plan on doing with her?!" Asked a terrified and concerned Roman.

"At the moment nothing however whatever you say will affect her." Answered stalker.

"I'll tell you whatever you want I'll do anything that you want!?!" Romans said pleadingly.

"Good, do you know these two?" said stalker, holding up a grainy photo of a man with silver hair and a woman with emerald green hair.

"Yes they're two colleagues I work with." Answered Roman.

"Why did they murder Tukson and sentinel?" Asked stalker.

"Tukson was a loose end. I was going to do it myself, however those two brats thought they could do a better job and sentinel was at the wrong place at the wrong time." answered Roman.

I see, and by the way you said colleagues I presume you have a boss?" Asked stalker quizzically.

"Yes her name is Cinder but that's all I know about her I swear." answered Roman nervously.

"Good, now why do they want all this dust? Asked stalker.

"I don't know, they haven't filled me in yet." Said Roman.

"A smart move in case of something like this was to happen, and what about the white fang?" Asked stalker.

"The white fang are just a means to an end for Cinder." Answered Roman.

"Thank you Mr. Roman you have given us quite a bit of information to work with." Said stalker.

"So what do you plan on doing with me and neo?" A terrified yet hopeful Roman said.

"You will find out very soon Mr. Roman." Answered stalker leaning in.

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