Venkman burn in Hell

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Alice is working her Daily shift at the New York Public Library. She then heads to basement Alice brings some books down to the basement of library. As she walks along, a few books float to other shelves. When she turns around to investigate, nothing happens. She makes some notes on a pad and passes a card catalog. The drawers slide open, spilling cards all over the place. She screams and runs. She runs through the shelves. Comes to what must be the ghost of Eleanor Twitty, the former librarian; she screams. Her hair blows back.

Columbia University people are going in and out of the building.

Corridor outside Paranormal Studies Laboratory Dr. Peter Venkman is giving the ESP test. On door: "Dr. Egon Spengler Dr. Raymond Stantz Dr. Peter Venkman, along with some Graffiti which read: "Venkman burn in hell" along with a sign stolen from a hotel: "Maid please make up this room as soon as possible"

Inside the lab, a man gives an ESP test to Reggie and Jennifer. Reggie is hooked up to electrodes. The man is Dr. Peter Venkman.

"All right, I'm going to turn over the next card. I want you to concentrate. I want you to tell me what it is." The card is a star


Peter showing him card and shocking him "Good guess, but wrong.' holds a circle card up in front of Jennifer "Clear your head. All right, tell me what you think it is."

"Is it a star?"

"It is a star! Very good. That's great." He holds up a square card for Reggie "All right. Think hard. What is it?"


Peter showing him square and shocking him "Ooh, close, but definitely wrong." Reggie's gum shoots out of his mouth. He puts it back in and keeps chewing. Peter holds a plus sign card up for Jennifer. "Okay. All right. Ready? What is it? no answer Come on."

"Figure eight."

Peter pretending to be astonished "Incredible. That's five for five. You can't see these, can you?

"No, no."

"You're not cheating me, are you?"

"No, I swear, they're just coming to me."

"Okay. Nervous?" Peter asked Reggie

"Yes... I don't like this."

"Don't worry, you only have seventy-five more to go." holds up a card with three wavy lines "Okay, what's this one?"

"A couple of wavy lines."

Peter who just wants to zap him just for fun says. "Sorry! This isn't your lucky day!"

"I know. I -" Peter reaches for the little lever. Jennifer seems amused, so Peter winks to her. He stumbles over some words before Peter zaps him. "Hey! I'm getting a little tired of this!"

"You volunteered, didn't you? We're paying you, aren't we?"

"Yeah, but I didn't know you were giving me electric shocks! What are you trying to prove here anyway?

"I'm studying the effect of negative reinforcement on ESP ability."

"The effect?! I'll tell you what the effect is! It's pissing me off!"

"Well, then maybe my theory is correct!"

Reggie rips the electrodes off his hands. 'You can keep the five bucks, I've had it!" He runs out of the room and slams the door.

"I will mister!" Peter kindly returns to Jennifer "You may as well get used to that, that's the kind of resentment that your ability is going to provoke in some people."

"Do you think I have it, Dr. Venkman?

"You're no fluke, Jennifer."

Dr. Ray Stantz enters the room, all in a flurry. Ray is grabbing stuff off the shelves

"This is it! This is definitely it! Did those UV lenses come in for the video camera? And that blank tape? I need it. The one you erased yesterday."

Peter turns to Jennifer. "Can you excuse me for a second?"


Peter runs to Ray, jumps up and smacks him on the head.

"I'm right in the middle of something, Ray! Ah, I need a little more time with this subject. Could you come back in an hour, hour and a half?"

"Peter, at 1:40 PM at the main branch of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue, ten people witnessed a free floating, full torso, vaporous apparition. It blew books off shelves from twenty feet away and scared the socks off some poor librarian!"

"I'm very excited. I'm very pleased. I want you to get right down there, check it out and get back to me."

"No, no."

"Get right back to me..."

"You're coming with us on this one! Spengler went down there and took PKE valances. Went right off the top of the scale. Buried the needle! We're close on this one. I can feel it!"

"I can feel it. We're very, very close." He turns to Jennifer. "I have to go now, Jennifer, but I'd like to work with you some more. Perhaps you could come back this evening, say at -"

"Eight o'clock?"

"I was just about to say eight o'clock! You are a legitimate phenomenon!"

Meanwhile above the planet a ship containing a crew of robots received a beacon from an older ship from the same planet that had been on Earth for millions of years. These guys were Autobots from the planet Cybertron.

"We're here sir." A light yellow and white Autobot, Code Red said as he adjusted his shoulder cannon.

"We found them." Said an Autobot with the body of one of the Seekers. His name is Maverick. "I can't believe it, but we found Optimus Prime."

Excellent job Maverick." the silver bot said to his Associates. "JP93 please tell Ectotron and JP12 we found them"

"Yes sir Gigawatt." Said a Green and yellow Autobot who looked like he had a cowboy hat on.

"What can I do Gigawatt." Another jet shaped robot asked.

"X-panse, can you make sure Maverick doesn't crash land us."

"Gotcha sir."

Maverick and Ultimate X-panse knew they needed to land without blipping on any government radars.

"Try not to kill us, Okay Maverick. I don't want my spark to go out cause of you"

"Okay X, old buddy."

They slowly entered the Earth's atmosphere and landed near Coney Island. Teletraan 1, a robot that is connected to the computer finds forms for Gigawatt, Code Red, Ectotron, X-Panse, and Maverick. Those being a DMC-12 DeLorean, a Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird, a 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor, a 1984 Volkswagen Vanagon and a Northrop Grumman F-14 Tomcat.

"Guys as Optimus Prime would say Autobots Transform and roll out. Gig, you and Code Red go to California and Mav check the Navy, X and I will be here in New York." Ectotron ordered.

The team was off.

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