3- Eddies trailer

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After you all leave you drop off max, Lucas, and Dustin and it was around 8pm so you stayed with Eddie at his trailer, it gets fun.

Y- Eddie mind if I stay over at you're place?-

Eddie- Yeah you can. :)

Y- Alright!

"You arrive at his trailer"

Eddie- welp were here :))

"You and eddie get out of the car and he holds the door for you"

Y- Thank you, you're such a gentleman.

Eddie- You're welcome. :)

Y- I like it.

Eddie- thanks, I didn't get to clean.

Y- You live alone?

Eddie- no, I live with my uncle but he's gone for the week.

Y- Well that gives us time. "You smirk"

Eddie- oh yeah? "He smirks and holds you're chin"

Y- mhm.

Eddie- well then.. "he starts taking off his jacket"

Y- "you smirk and put you're hair in a ponytail"

Eddie- may I?- "he holds your chin"

Y- You may.

Eddie- "he smirks and takes you're shirt off"

Y- Before we start why don't we take it to the room?.

Eddie- alright.. ladies first "he holds his hand out and steps out the way"

Y- thank you :)

"You both get to the room and you sit on his bed*

Y- "you look up at Eddie"

Eddie- "Eddie holds you're chin and starts kissing you're neck" I love you y/n..

Y- I love you too Eddie.

Eddie- "Eddie kisses you all the way down too your chest and stops" you mind?

Y- "you undo you're bra" Eddie..

Eddie- Hm? "As he looks up at you"

Y- Start from the bottom to the top? "You smirk"

Eddie- Alright then.. doll~.

"Eddie takes you're skirt and underwear off"

Y- Go ahead, I bet by the end of the night you can't get my legs to shake.

Eddie- All night? Why not till the sun rise?~

Y- well.. it's not a bad idea so I guess~

Eddie- I love you.. doll~ "Eddie puts his hands on your inner thigh"

Y- I love you too "you're leg shakes"

Eddie- Already shaking for me? I haven't even begun yet~

Y- "you turn you're head as you're blushing"

Eddie- "Eddie puts his other hand on you're hip and makes circles in your pussy"

Y- "you moan softly from the feeling of eddies tongue and hand"

Eddie- You alright doll?~ "Eddie looks up at you"

Y- mhm "you moan while looking away"

Eddie- Well then if your fine.."Eddie stands up and pulls his pants and boxers down"

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