12- 𝗛𝗼𝘀𝗽𝗶𝘁𝗮𝗹 (𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝒑𝒐𝒗)

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I woke up today and went to the bathroom, to see my eyes blood shot red at first I thought was because I might've gotten high, Then I remembered it was because I was crying, I got dressed and went out to Dustin's house to chill.
______later at Dustin's______
Dustin: So how are you bud..
Eddie: Well, I woke up with blood shot red eyes and.. *I took a big sigh* and I thought of y/n.. it's just-
Dustin: I know Eddie. We all wish we could've made her not go, but nvm
Eddie: You know what!- let's go visit her.
Dustin: What?
Eddie: Let's go to the hospital.
Dustin: Okay fine, only because it's y/n
Eddie: Alright let's go!

____skip to the room____

Eddie: God I miss her so much.. *I smile as I look down at y/n*
Dustin: Eddie?..
Eddie: What Dustin?
Dustin: what if she's not dead? What if she's just passed out?!
Eddie: Wait what?
Dustin: You said you saw her eyes shut slowly right???
Eddie: Yep.
Dustin: and did you listen for her heartbeat??
Eddie: Oh fuck-.. no! What if?
Dustin: Check her pulse!!
Eddie: On it. *I check y/n's pulse and hear her heartbeat I start crying*
Dustin: Well?
Eddie: I hear.. I hear her heartbeat.
Dustin: YES! *Dustin jumps in excitement*
Eddie: God! *I rest my head on y/n's chest as I slept in the hospital room I could hear coughing from somebody*
Nurse *Cough* Ehm Mr. Munson?
Eddie: Yes?
Nurse: Mr. Munson, I'm hear to tell you your wife will be waking up rarely soon actually in the next 2days you may stay here she will be awake then.
Eddie: Okay, thank you ma'am.
Nurse: No problem.
Eddie: God I can't wait to hear your voice again love.. *I kiss y/n's forehead and go sit back down I drift off asleep as the night goes.*

Btw Henderson did go home.. I just.. I forgot to add that part lol

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