Chapter 2

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Narrators POV:

After Giyuu was relieved himself he went to go ask Tengen for help. He had three wives, so he had to know some advice. Giyuu walked to the sound pillars estate and walked inside. "Stupid. Leaving his door unlocked." Giyuu chuckled under his breath. Giyuu walked into the house to find Tengen and Rengoku making out. "Uzui, I told you!" Rengoku said out of breath and panting. Tegen smiled at his husband. "You ruined the mood Tomioka. What do you want?" Giyuu couldn't help but laugh. "Y-You horny bitches really couldn't wait to just go into a room?!" Rengoku just buried his head into Tengens titters. Giyuu began to talk after catching his breath.

"Well, I need advice!" Tengen smiled. "Who's the lucky lady? Or man! I don't judge." Giyuu sighed. "I thought it was pretty obvious by now. Well, it's Shinazugawa." Tengen smirked. "Oh, just make him some ohagi and act all cute. Or give him the ohagi in a maid dress. I usually make Rengoku do that- Shit! Don't punch so hard!!" Rengoku punched Tengen to stop him from saying that did s-x in cosplay. Giyuu shook his head. "Oh, and did things not go well with your wives or something?" Tengen smiled. "Nope! I have three wives and one husband!" Rengoku sighed. "Is that all? If so I must ask you to leave." Giyuu nodded and left.

"Maid dress? Me? Yeah right!" Giyuu thought.

On Sanemis side

After Sanemi relived himself he went to find the love Hashira. "Ara ara~ Good afternoon, Shinazugawa!" Shinobu greeted. "Where Kanroji?" Sanemi asked straight to the point. "She's in her estate making pancakes! Is that all?" Sanemi nodded. "Well then, sayonara!" Shinobu said going off to who knows where.

Sanemi began walking to the love pillars estate. "Ah! Good afternoon. Would you like some pancakes?" Sanemi shook his head. "I need advice.." Misturi squealed. "Ahh! It's for Tomioka right?!" Misturi was practically jumping for joy. "Wait- How did you know!" Misturi giggled. "It was pretty obvious. Well, I think he's gonna come up to you with Ohagi in a maid dress." Sanemi laughed. "Yeah, sure. I'm leaving!"

"Maid dress? Tomioka? Yeah right!" Sanemi thought.

Narrators POV:

"I think I'm gonna have to go with the maid dress." Giyuu thought. But from where?



"Good afternoon, Tomioka! Why'd you call me?" Misturi asked already knowing. "Well, since you know I li- *ahem*! I have deep feelings for Sanemi. Tengen suggested I wear a maid dress and give him Ohagi. So, I was thinking you had one?" Giyuu said stuttering on the word like.

Giyuu has had a crush before. And that was his first love, Sabito. He had only told Misturi about his crushes, only because she would find out sooner or later and tease him. But, Sabito died. After Giyuu had gotten over it, Misturi joked about how he had a thing for people who start with the letter "S."

Misturi nodded. "I ship you guys so hard it hurts!" Misturi was walking towards her closet and picked up a cat maid dress.

"This is just the dress

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"This is just the dress. The full set has, a headband, and stockings, and you could borrow heels. Do you want to?" Giyuu nodded. Misturi smiled and folded the dress, then picked up the stockings.

"Are you sure?" Misturi asked. Giyuu nodded and Misturi handed him the dress, heels, and stockings. "Well, have fun!" Giyuu walked out of the estate, walking into his own. "I should try it on." Giyuu stripped and began to put on the dress. "I look stupid.." Giyuu sighed and sent his bird to call Sanemi.

"CAW CAW! GIYUU WANTS TO SEE YOU! CAW!" Sanemis's face turned red. Since when has Giyuu wanted to see him? Sanemi walked into the estate to see Giyuu with Ohagi in his hand. "U-Um. Master Sanemi likes Ohagi right?" Giyuu couldn't do this. He was so embarrassed! But, Sanemi's dick couldn't do this. "Did he call me by my first name? Shit!" Sanemi thought. "Why isn't he responding? Does he hate this? I'm so stupid-" "U-Um thanks." Giyuu looked down in embarrassment. But as he did, he saw Sanemi being hard. "Well, I'll be going now." Giyuu looked up at Sanemi and smiled. "See you... Sanemi." Sanemi kissed Giyuus's cheek. "Y-Yeah, whatever shithead." And Sanemi walked away. Giyuu smiled

"Now I know why I like him." Giyuu thought touching his cheek.

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