Chapter Four

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Being Pip's friend was better than not, it turned out. Although Jimmy and the twins hadn't warmed up to her yet, I'd convinced O'Donovan that she wasn't that bad. I think O'Donovan was convinced quicker when Sadie hit him over the head and told him not to be rash. Sadie loved Pip, and I'm pretty sure Pip didn't mind Sadie either. Sadie braided Pip's hair and acted like more of a mother to her than anyone else, more so than Ma.

It was the opening night. Our first performance here was destined to be a good one- our shows were full for the next week. Hopefully with the money we'd be able to get Pip a makeshift caravan, Ma had said, and new clothes to slog in. What we spent the money on wasn't of any matter to me, however. I couldn't care less.

I looked up as I heard my a knock on my door. It was still dark outside. The sun hadn't risen. I was curious to see who it was.

"Come in!" I yelled, and the door opened.

"Hey." Pip said. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." I said. She smiled, closed the door and came to sit next to me. I gave her a smile and sipped on my tea.


"Morning Jack. I'm glad you're awake." She said. I shrugged.

"Early mornings are the best time to be awake." I said.

"Well, I must say I agree." Pip grinned. She quietened before piping up again. "Are you excited? You get to perform tonight! I haven't seen you throw any knives yet. I think it'll be amazing." She said, and I smiled again.

"I am pretty excited, actually." I put my tea down on my table and lifted the newspaper that was in my other hand. "Have you seen this?"

Pip peered at what I was pointing to, a little advertisement stating that a band of robbers were on the loose, and to be careful because they'd cut you open and rob you dry. Pip laughed.

"Maybe they'll be here tonight." She looked closer at the ad. She pointed to one of the burly looking men. "Holy moly, look at his face. What would you did if you saw him in the crowd, looking at you like a meal?"

"I'd knife him, probably." I said, and Pip laughed.

"How brave of you!" She said, and I laughed too.

"I am pretty courageous."

We both laughed together, and for the first time I felt myself liking Pip for who she actually was.


Performing was my favourite part of being in the circus. It gave me such a thrill, such a wild and free feeling, that just couldn't be found anywhere else. I always felt like my whole body was on fire, ready to explode into a million golden embers. It was absolutely magical, how the crowd reacted to your actions, the clapping, the stamping, the cheering.

Thats why I got excited when the crowds started to fill up the tent- I hadn't performed in what felt like years. I pulled my nice shirt and pants out of my wardrobe, and my nice leather suspenders. I put my shirt on first, the pulled on my pants and adjusted my straps around my shoulders. Ran a comb through my knotted blonde hair and slipped on my shoes.

When I left my caravan, I decided I'd go to the Big Top and get some last minute practising in- maybe even watch Jimmy with his legs weighed down my rocks doing flips and things on the tightrope. As I was walking past, I saw Pip was being all done up by Veronica, with makeup and bright clothes.

"You need a fancier performance name." I hear Veronica say. "You're a new act, and no one has seen you before. Sadie hasn't painted your poster yet. We can still come up with something fancy!" I stopped, and walked over to where Pip was being worked on.

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